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Monday, December 19, 2011

New Video Series Tomorrow & FFXIII-2???

Hey guys, just letting you know what's up. Now that my FFIX series is over, I'm starting another series tomorrow. It's not FF, though. Or Kingdom Hearts. Or Brawl. WHAT IS IT!? You'll see. I only very recently planned to upload it, but I think you guys will like it. It isn't the same series I intended to start after FFIX as I stated in my 1,500th video special, but I put that on hold for this instead.

As for FFXIII-2, it came out in Japan on the 15th. I don't intend to get a Japanese copy. I don't even know if I'll get it when it comes out in the states. I might wait, because I'm really skeptical on how good it will be. SquareEnix does not have a good track record with making sequels to FF games (FFX-2...). And the OST that I've heard so far for the game has been either downright insulting or just bland, save maybe a couple songs. In other words, I'm not too hyped about it. FFXIII Versus, on the other hand....when that comes out I'm all over that.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Youtube's New Update

So Youtube updated its site, once again, last week. Just when you thought YT couldn't be designed any more stupid, they go out of their way to prove you wrong. They re-designed virtually everything, even though the Home Page and Channels Pages stick out most.

Let's start with the Home Page. Oh boy, where to begin..for starters, WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY DO TO THE HOME PAGE!? Like seriously, before the update the Home Page was set up so that every person you're subbed to shows up on the Home Page when they upload a new video. You're probably thinking "Well hey, they do that now too!" Well the difference is...they displayed them horizontally. What you see now is a vertical list...well forget calling it a list, might as well call it a cluster fuck of seemingly random videos.

I can't help but feel like YT is trying to be like Facebook with the status updates. Just because it works for Facebook does NOT mean it works for fucking Youtube. The absolute WORST part about this update is the inability to close out of the videos on the Home Page after viewing them. Yes, thanks for taking away that feature YT. Now we're stuck with 9000 fucking videos on the front page and have to watch the videos immediately when they come out or they get buried in the giant stack of nonsense you call a video list.

As for the Channel pages? Good god, it's like they purposely wanted to suck the creativity out of them. They're replacing them with bland grey/white boxing. So if you spent hours working on a channel design to make your channel look unique and exciting...then you're out of luck. You can still keep the background image, but it will likely look out of place and stupid with the bland boxing. They haven't force updated the channels, but they will soon.

That's about it. It's sad that no one at YT appears to be smart enough to design a reasonable Home Page. I wonder if they ever see the feedback they get on their YT re-design videos. It's nearly all negative comments and thumbs downed videos.

Monday, November 21, 2011

1,500th Video & Donations!

View my 1,500th Video Special here:

As for donations, like I said in the video, you're welcome to donate to me now to support my channel. Click the button below to donate to me on Paypal, or just send it to my Paypal directly at

If button below doens't work, go to the direct link:

Friday, November 18, 2011

1500th Video Special

My 1,500th Video Special...Is NOT going to be Brawl related! I know, shocking. What is it going to be then? You'll have to wait to see. This is assuming it comes out the way I want it to. I'm trying to make this pretty epic. It's not a super awesome long bunch of stuff like I usually do, but it should definitely be entertaining for the people who will care about it.

I plan to release it as my Monday video, unless I fall behind on schedule, in which case I may push it back a couple days. Just letting you know it's coming.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Tourney in Wallingford, CT

Hey guys, if any of you are in the New England region or in CT especially and play MW3, check out their tourney this Saturday (November 19th):

It's at the venue I normally hold my Brawl tourneys at, so it's legit!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Upcoming Videos?

If you've been following my channel, you'll have noticed that I'm nearing the end of SSE (Brawl). What's next, you ask? What, you didn't ask? Well I'm going to tell you anyway! Maybe not exactly what's coming up, but some stuff.

I DO have more tourney videos to upload. However, going from so many SSE videos all in a row into tourney videos would be a bit much. So instead, I'm likely going to start off my new video series first. Then after that gets started off, I'll do some tourney videos. By then, I'll have hit my 1,500th video.

After my 1,500th video, I'll have some more tourney matches to upload as well as finishing off the new video series that's coming next week. I have even bigger plans for a new game series to join in, one that I have not ever uploaded anything from before. What is it? It's super secret, no one knows as of right now. And I will keep it that way for a while. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sonic Adventure 2: Battle - A Rank FAQ

Note: This isn't new, it's a re-post of the text file from my old site that I no longer have.

Here are some tips on how to get A Ranks on levels, as well as tips for specific characters and levels. This may be added onto.

For more information, go to and look up FAQs for Sonic Adventure 2. There is an A-rank FAQ, but it does not offer tips/strategies, only requirements for scores and times. There are also FAQs for Lost Chao and 100 Ring levels (most of them).

Last Updated: 11/8/07


Scores are calculated by a few different factors. Each time you preform certain actions, your score is increased. The time you finish a level also affects your final score. Dying anytime in a level resets your score to 0. Needless to say, if you want an A-rank, don't die. There are very few exceptions (Lost Chao missions, for example).

Your score is raised whenever you kill an enemy, grab a ring, or preform certain tricks (such as grinding on rails or doing a trick off a ramp). Whenever you get the chance to do a trick, do it. Some levels depend on this for getting A-ranks.

Doing enemy combos and trick combos give you bonus points. These bonus points get added onto the points you already earned. For example, home attacking 2 enemies in a row with Sonic gives you 100 extra points on what you already earn for killing them. But if you only kill one at a time, you don't get that extra bonus.


1. Always kill the Golden Bot. These guys are worth 1000 points. They only appear once in every level, though. And they only appear when you are close to them. They also disappear if you take too long to kill it, and won't come back. Their positions are the same on each stage, except on some occasions on Hard Mode missions. So before you attempt A-ranks on a mission, find where the Golden Bot is so that's 1000 less points you have to worry about.

2. For Lost Chao missions, your rank depends on your time, rather than score. Use this to your advantage. It means you can die and still get an A-rank. Note that the time you have to get the Lost Chao in for the A-rank is different for each stage.

3. Go for combo attacks and tricks. These basically come into play with everyone except Knuckles/Rouge missions. For Sonic/Shadow, using the Homing Attack on multiple enemies in a row give you a nice big bonus ontop of the enemies normal score points. For Tails/Eggman, hold down the targeting button and get as many enemies locked on as possible before letting it fire. As for tricks, these mainly apply to Sonic/Shadow. Grinding on rails one after another can give you nice bonus points. The max amount of bonus points you can earn in one combo move is 2000 (called "Perfect"). These tend to only show up on Tails/Eggman missions though.

4. Be more concerned with your score instead of your time. Although you do get bonus points for completing a level fast, if you rush through levels too fast, you may miss ways of getting even more points. In some missions, you can get an A-rank even if you get 0 points for time bonus. A perfect example of this is Hard Mode missions for Tails/Eggman (Cosmic Wall and Eternal Engine as a perfect example). I personally got an A-rank on Crazy Gadget Hard Mode with a 0 time bonus, because I killed every enemy I could and preformed enough combos. So before you worry about speed, find out how large you can get your score without a time bonus. Who knows, you may even get an A-rank while doing that. If you've looked for every possible combo and score points you can earn without a time bonus and still fall short, then try to speed yourself up. Because sometimes you do have to rely on being somewhat fast (hey there Metal Harbor).

5. An alternate way to get A-ranks for any mission is to get all the rings on that mission. You will get a "Perfect" count for the rings and it'll give you the A-rank. While this may seem not too bad, keep in mind most levels have massive amounts of rings. You usually can't backtrack easily either, so if you miss ONE ring you may not even get the A-rank. I personally find it harder to do that than to actually do the mission normally for the A-rank. But if you're determined to get it that way, good luck on the levels with 500 rings. And good luck doing it on the 4th missions.

6. 100 Ring missions are like Lost Chao missions, based on time only. You have to get 100 Rings before a certain time to get that A-rank. So don't waste your time killing enemies unless they're blocking your path or a threat. Go right for rings fast as possible. These are usually fast and easy A-ranks, except the hunter stages (read more on that below). If you get hit during this, just restart.



1. Home attack combo as much as possible. These gain you lots of extra points.

2. Grind every rail you can, they usually give you points, especially when you combo grind rails in a row.


1. Hold down the targeting button and spin your laser target-er around to get as many enemies locked on as possible before releasing the button to shoot them all. These give you huge combos and these large bonus point combos are required for pretty much all their missions.

2. Don't get hit when trying to do a combo. If you get hit during the combo, you won't get the bonus points. This is mostly an issue for Cosmic Wall for Eggman. Those blasted blue enemies have massive range of attack. The fact that the GC version requires you to get 100,000 points as opposed to the Dreamcast version's 50,000 points makes it all the worse.

3. Try to milk groups of enemies for points if possible. As stated before, 2000 is the max bonus points you can get from a combo. If you target the required amount of enemies to get 2000, try to leave any extra enemies alive so you can gain even MORE points after you kill off the first wave. Eggman's Weapon Bed level is a perfect example of this with the stationary enemies you see at the beginning and throughout the level. If you target too many you'll get less points in the end than if you only go for 2000 bonus points at a time.


Note: I refer to the 3 objects you have to get as "items". So just replace item with "shard/gem/key/whatever". Mostly they're shards of the Master Emerald though.

1. The amount of bonus points you get when you find an item depends on two factors. One is time. If you take too long to find it, your bonus points go down. The second depends on how many hints you use. You can use up to 3 hints per item you're hunting. Not using any hints and being fast for each item can give you 2000 bonus points an item. That's 6000 points right there if you get them all fairly fast. And assuming you got all 3 fast, you'll get a nice time bonus too, giving you almost a guaranteed A-rank. Even if you miss one 2000 bonus point, as long as it's a decent amount you can still get an A.

2. Golden Bots do exist on the hunter levels, so go for them. Assuming the Golden Bot isn't too far out of a levels basic path, 1000 points can save you if you happen to have a little trouble finding an item.

3. Don't be afraid to kill enemies in your way. Don't forget you still get points for killing regular enemies. While there really aren't that many enemies in these type of levels, you might as well kill most things in your way to get those points. You never know if you'll have needed them.

4. Hard Mode mission items are always in the same place. The hard part about the Hard Mode missions is finding the items the first time. Once you find them, just Restart the level and speed run your way to them. Don't use any hints and be somewhat fast and you'll easily get 2000 bonus points an item, for an easy A-rank. I personally find the Hard Mode A-ranks easier than the normal ones. Although, finding them initially is the hard part. But you can look up the Hunter FAQ on Gamefaqs if you're totally stumped on where they are.

5. It's hard to find items outside of Hard Mode missions without using hints. I find the best method is to glide around basic parts of the level until you start detecting one. If you haven't detected the first one for about 15 seconds, just restart. After you find the first item, it's a safe bet the second item isn't near you. Try gliding to another basic area.

6. Keep in mind it's still possible to get an A-rank while using a hint or two. So if you've gotten the first two items with 2000 bonus points each, don't ruin it by never finding where the last one is. Just grab a hint and find it quickly. The time bonus may save you if you're under 3-4 mins.

7. Alternately, you can memorize (writing down is easier) what all the hints point to. So going to 3 monitors per item and writing down where they all go to means you can do the A-rank attempt by using only one hint per item. It's a fairly safe method if you don't mind writing things down. Just remember to pause while you're looking up where the hint tells you to go so you don't waste your definite needed time bonus points for this.

8. For 100 ring missions, you are ranked on time. The time is very slim on these. It would be wise to search the entire level for all the rings you can find while recording it. Then watch it and write down the best order to get all the rings in. Also note that you CANNOT dig up rings on the 100 Ring Missions. Alternately, you can look up a FAQ if you don't mind doing it that way. I personally find the Knuckles/Rouge missions to be the hardest of the 100 Ring missions, only because the rings are rare.


**Metal Harbor**

Description: Metal Harbor can be one of the hardest Sonic missions to get an A-rank on, right up there with Final Rush, if not harder. This is because you MUST get as many points as possible AND be fast enough to get enough time bonus points. And most people don't know all the tricks to it.

Mission 1 & 4 score tips: There are a few overlooked chances to increase your score in this level. The biggest one is near the final part with the space rocket. Instead of going off the bouncer onto the rocket, if you jump off to the left of the rocket when you reach the top, enemies will appear. Homing on them gives you a pretty big combo of bonus points. The downside is that you must do this flawlessly. When you kill the last enemy and fall back on the platform, you take the speed booster up the ramp and you'll see rings that you can Light Dash or whatever it's called up to the Bouncers. Trust me when I say you have to be perfect. You will be down to the last second. But it is basically the only way to pull off an A-rank. You need these points. Practice rushing up to the top without getting caught on any walls.

The other overlooked chance to score some points is right after the Light Dash that brings you onto the platform where the air crafts try to bomb you. As soon as you land on that platform, touch the booster but jump over the second booster. To the left of the second set of boosters there's some enemies that will appear in a line. Home attack them up to the Extra Life. This will give you some much needed bonus points. You may be able to still get an A-rank without doing this assuming you do the trick in the combo above, but I wouldn't personally risk it. This ones much easier to pull off anyway.

**Death Chamber**

Description: This can be quite a frustrating level to get all A-ranks on.

Mission 1 & 4 score tips: Although I can't say this with 100% confidence, it still has always worked for me. In the attempts I've made for A-rank, it always appears as if a key is in each color area. In other words, there should never be a key in the same color area, such as two keys in the red area, or green area. This being said, it makes it much easier to get A-rank by gliding through the red area right away (which is where you start off). If you're lucky you'll find a key right away. If not, glide to the blue or green area. If you went through one of those areas and still haven't detected a key, restart and try until you find your first key in the first two areas you go through (red + either blue or green).

After the first key is found, note where you found it. If you found it in the blue area, go to red or green next. The key should be in either of the other two areas. It's a gamble, but it's a small level, so if it's not in one area you should be able to get to another area rather quick. Once you get the second one, simply search the last color area you haven't yet for that last key. I don't remember, but there's a small chance a key might show up in that center area. But even if it is you should still be okay, as you will most likely go through there anyway as you go through each area, since the center room connects them all. And as you already should know, you have to know this level really well. Getting lost is a good way to not get an A-rank.

**Meteor Herd**

Description: The biggest Knuckles level, and perhaps the most annoying Knuckles level.

Mission 1 & 4 score tips: Just like with Death Chamber, there is usually a pattern. I'd suggest immediately going towards the tower structure (where you fought Rouge) and taking the Rocket there up. If you're lucky you'll detect a shard right away. If not, keep taking rockets up until you get to the top. My theory is that only one shard will be at the top (if any). If you get to the top and haven't detected a shard, try Drill Clawing down until you detect one. If you hit the ground without detecting one, restart and repeat. After you find that first shard, chances are the second and third ones won't be near it. So finishing out the top of the level, aka hardest to get to area, makes it much easier to find the others. Again, you might want to do some practice runs to find some common patterns of where the shards may show up.

**Cosmic Wall**

Description: Eggman's final mission. If you're playing the Dreamcast version, this is probably a cakewalk level. 50,00 points or less are nothing. But for the Gamecube version, the required score has been DOUBLED to 100,000 points. I can see why they raised it, but 80,000 would have been more reasonable for such a long level.

Mission 1 & 4 score tips: Even though they raised the score to about 80,000 (I forget the actual score), it's still not too bad. This level gives you lots and lots of chances to pull off 2000 bonus point combos. Don't pass up too many of them if you want that A-rank. Also be careful about the blue enemies hitting you. It's not so bad here as in Hard Mode, but you don't want to lose 2000 bonus points from a fatass blue enemy hitting you last second.

Mission 5: This is hell. A level that is an average of about 7 minutes long is no fun for an A-rank run as it is. But now you have to get 100,000 points. The GOOD news is there's more enemies. The bad news is it's much easier to die, and 100,000 is pretty difficult to get to without pulling off lots of 2000 bonus point combos. On top of that, there are more blue enemies that try to hit you while you attempt to pull off combos. The only thing I can really say for this is to practice mission 5 until you memorize where most of the blue enemies that can attack you from a distance are. This will prepare you to take them out before they can stop your combos. otherwise, you'll lose lots of bonus points. Also let me state to NOT rush this level. Take it slooooow. You will get NOTHING for time bonus.

Good luck on this one, it was the last stage A-rank I went for. It took me only 4 attempts, but when you're doing a 7 minute level while freaking out at every jump and combo, you tend to dread it. I still think 80,000 would have been more reasonable for such a lengthy level.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Metaknight Officially Banned!

Yes, that's right. Metaknight is officially banned in Brawl. Well, the official ban starts January 9th so that it does not interfere with Apex. Until then, TOs can choose whether or not to keep MK legal at their tourneys. This is pretty good news for my YT videos, since everyone always complains about MK. The URC (Unity Ruleset Committee) voted 14-0 for banning with 1 abstaining. It'll be interesting to see where this takes Brawl. Will it be for the better? Or for the worse? Stay tuned...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Upcoming Videos...

I should be starting my next group of videos tomorrow. I intend to run it uninterrupted until it's done. So that's about 30-35 videos (A little over a month). Then, I have a bunch of boss videos I'm working on for a game that I'll be uploading after that, and then after all of this, Ill be uploading tourney videos from the MK Banned tourney that happened Sept 17th.

About this video series I'm starting'll either be loved, or hated lulz.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - Vanitas LS (Optional Boss) - *Strategy*

Note: This was posted because I couldn't fit it in the description for the video(s). Video Link:

There are a couple things you need to know about this fight to prepare. One, most of your commands will be useless. They will either leave you too open, are too slow, or won't do much, if any, damage. Secondly, you CANNOT walk into this fight with Cure spells. That includes Cura and Curaga. Why? Vanitas will heal every time you do, and the fight will never end this way.

The only way to counter this is to use Potions instead. Mega-Potions are very cheap for this point in the game, so go buy 99 of those. The downside is that you lose the Leaf Bracer ability, since that only works with Cure spells. What that ability does is make you invincible while healing with Cure spells, so that if you're at 1 HP you won't die while trying to heal. Not being able to safely heal makes this fight much harder. You will have to learn when it is safe to heal, or just hope he doesn't attack you. (Note that if you keep using "Retry" when you die, the items that you use during the fight count as being used, so if you keep failing too much use Continue to reset it).

Vanitas Moveset

Alright, this is what you all probably came here for. I will list all of the moves I can off the top of my head and the ways to dodge them with each character.

*New Moves*

#1. He always will start the fight off with a dark orb move. This is his most annoying and difficult to dodge move IMO, because it feels a little random. He encases himself in a dark orb and sends out clones to hit you. Being hit by one does a ton of damage (expect 1 HP) and causes Darkness for a while, which you don't want in this fight. The last part of the move he dashes out at you, which goes quite a far distance. He is completely invincible while he is in the orb.

How to Dodge (Terra): Get at a safe distance and Slide every time a clone comes out, going in a circular motion around the orb. Do not Slide too early, or the clones will follow your Slide and still hit you during the cooldown of Slide. For the last hit, just Slide towards Vanitas and he'll pass you by during your invincibility.

How to Dodge (Ven): Get at a safe distance and Dodge Roll spam around the orb as the clones come out. Because Dodge Roll does not go as far as Terra's Slide, it's harder to time getting away from them, but if you spam Dodge Roll hard enough the invincibility frames will just be too long for you to get hit 95% of the time.

How to Dodge (Aqua): Get at a safe distance and Cartwheel spam around the orb as the clones come out. Because Cartwheel does not go as far as Terra's Slide, it's harder to time getting away from them, but if you spam Cartwheel hard enough the invincibility frames will just be too long for you to get hit 95% of the time.

Note: This move can be stopped on startup! So when the fight starts, you can hit him right as he tries to do the move. If you do it too late, he will be invincible and you'll be in danger of being too close to him to safely dodge. Note that trying to run as far away as possible will not help, the clones will still come at you. Also note that he can use the move at nearly any time in the fight, and it'll be almost impossible to react to stopping it then.

#2. He has a dashing move he spams quite often where he will circle around you quickly and then try to hit you with darkness. This move seems scary, but it's his easiest to dodge move and is one of the only chances you have to relax.

How to Dodge (Terra): Simply Slide right after you see him circle around you. The timing is a little tricky to explain, but it's easy to get used to. It's better to dodge early than late.
How to Dodge (Ven): Same as Terra, except it's easier with Dodge Roll.
How to Dodge (Aqua): Same as Terra, except it's easier with Cartwheel.

Notes: He will always do one of three moves after this move. He will either start running at you to do a regular combat move, his Shotlock, or a aerial dash.
Punishable: Yes, he's open right after the move ends.

#3. He has a new Shotlock. I'm saying it's new, because it doesn't work the same as in Ven's final battle. In this, you'll hear the obvious cue of you being targeted. When this happens, go to the side of him as fast as possible and get behind him for tons of free damage! The Shotlock follows you, so even if you're behind him he will be slowly rotating towards you. However, the move does not last that long anyway.

How to Dodge (Terra): Slide to the side of him to avoid the initial hit of the move. Be careful not to Slide directly into it!
How to Dodge (Ven): Dodge Roll pretty much easily avoids this move.
How to Dodge (Aqua): Cartwheel pretty much easily avoids this move.

Notes: Be careful when going for hits. If you get locked into combos, he could rotate into you and still hit you, so you have to make sure you're directly behind him. Also note that if you get directly hit by this move, you can just stand there and press nothing and still live as you'll get hit fast enough that Second Chance/Once More will still work.
Punishable: As said, yes, it's the most punishable move against him as he's completely open from the side and behind the whole move. He will even be a little open after, but it's risky.

#4. He has a new move similar to the one he used in Ven's final battle where he will teleport around and multi slash you. This time, however, it's much faster and trickier to dodge. This move is usually a counter attack. He will continually teleport behind you and slash as many times as he seems fit.

How to Dodge (Terra): It takes a little practice, but well timed Slides will avoid this easily. It is hard to explain, so just watch Terra's video when it's up. Alternately, you can turn around and Guard one of the hits to get him to stop.
How to Dodge (Ven): Dodge Roll spam away from him. Alternately, you can turn around and Guard one of the hits to get him to stop.
How to Dodge (Aqua): Cartwheel spam away from him. Alternately, you can turn around and Guard one of the hits to get him to stop.

Punishable: If you stop it with Guard, you can use the Counter move with all chars to do damage. However, with Terra, it isn't reliable. Vanitas will sometimes do his teleport drop down slash after the Counter, and Terra will take the hit.

*Old Moves*

#1. He retains his ability to dive under ground and rise up under you. Except this time it's more dangerous. He slides towards you very fast, and when he jumps up from the ground, tons of fire balls spit out around him. The hitboxes of this are VERY weird, and it is really tricky to dodge 100% of the time.

How to Dodge (Terra): Terra has the hardest time dodging this. The best method is to wait until right before he appears under you and then Slide in a direction that is not directly moving away from the direction he is moving towards you. If you mess this up, he'll still follow your Slide and hit you when it ends.
How to Dodge (Ven): Just Dodge Roll it.
How to Dodge (Aqua): Just Cartwheel it.

Notes: The scattering fireballs have very deceiving hitboxes. Get far away from this move. You'll probably have the most trouble with this as Terra.

Punishable: I don't believe this is safely punishable.

#2. He still has his slash to blue crescent projectile move. He does this move most of the time when he's running towards you. It works the same as the others, except the blue projectile will fade after about 5-10 seconds. The projectile circles around you. Getting hit by the projectile makes your character become Confused (inverted movements) for a short time.

How to Dodge (Terra): Slide away from the slashes and Slide away again from the projectile, at an angle. There's a small chance you will still get hit if you time the first Slide wrong. Then just keep Sliding to avoid the projectile circling around to hit you.
How to Dodge (Ven): Just Dodge Roll spam to avoid this.
How to Dodge (Aqua): Just Cartwheel spam to avoid this.

Punishable: I do not believe this is safely punishable.

#3. He has that multi flame slashing attack from Ven's final battle with him. He will charge up his Keyblade and then mutli slash combo you and end it with an X-flame projectile. The projectile can slightly turn back at you.

How to Dodge (Terra): Terra yet again has a tricky time dodging this. But once you get the timing down it's pretty easy. If you blindly spam Slide, you'll get hit, because some parts of it follow you better than others. The best method is to run away while he's charging and keep running while he does the first dash slash, then Slide again shortly after.
How to Dodge (Ven): Dodge Roll spam away from him.
How to Dodge (Aqua): Cartwheel spam away from him.

Notes: If he gets hit during this move, he may teleport into another move. Be careful of this.

Punishable: He is open slightly after the first slash. He will likely get stopped if you hit him then. It is risky to do this though. He is open after the X-flame projectile, but do not try more than one hit at risk of him instant teleport attacking you.

#4. He still has that multi aerial dash move from Ven's final battle. This is a very easy to avoid move as long as you react to it decently. He does this move almost always randomly after the darkness circle dash move. He can do this 1-3 times in a row.

How to Dodge (All): Simply Slide/Dodge Roll/Cartwheel to the side right before he dashes at you.

Punishable: I am unsure if this is punishable. Most of the time, you will not be close enough to punish him anyway.

#5. He randomly has a couple other moves, such as the darkness lightning and triple fireball move. He will usually do these as part of another combo, such as if you interrupt his fire multi slash move (#3). Standard dodging moves apply to these, you should know how to already from earlier fights, they work the same, although I believe the fireballs are Fission Firaga fireballs, so they follow you quite a bit.

#6. He retains his counter attacks. At any time during a combo he may teleport combo you. One is the drop down ice move, the other is the teleport to the side/back of you and slash at you. because of this, do not get caught in combos much.

Cheap Tactics

There are a couple cheap tactics to beat VLS if you are having trouble. Only use these if you want to suck all the fun and challenge out of the fight.

#1. This one applies to only Ven. You must first obtain his Tornado spell. I won't go into details on how, look up a FAQ. The trick is to cast Tornado on Vanitas at the beginning before he does his dark orb move. If you do it right, Vanitas will be caught in it and take 50% HP damage! Then all you need is one other good hit with it to take the rest off.

Do take note that this method does require a little bit of good timing, as if you miss, Vanitas will surely hit you and likely kill you. For the second use of Tornado, you can easily get him with it if you lure him into a Mine Square that launches him. You will have to react fast though!

#2. The second method, while untested by myself, is to hide behind one of the big rock pillars. Vanitas apparently has a hard time getting around it, and you can pelt him with Strike Raid through it. I have not tested this, as I've said, so I cannot confirm if it works, but if it does it sucks the fun out of the fight. Do beware if he uses his Dark Orb move, it will still hit you (this I have tested).

#3. With Aqua, you can use her Seeker Mine to slam Vanitas with it while he's using his Shotlock. If you use Doubleflight, you cannot be hit, and therefore can spam Seeker Mine from above 1-3 times to do major damage!

That's about it. Good luck! Remember, Vanitas is rather predictable once you figure out his patterns!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Upcoming Brawl Videos?

I'm running low on replays. It's because I haven't been really uploading or saving many replays to catch up on the huge backlog I had. Now that the backlog is almost gone, I'll be getting a ton of replays at DNA #19, which will be MK banned! So hopefully we will have tons of interesting sets to watch, especially since doubles won't be MK/Snake only.

However, I plan to start uploading something else Brawl related I've had for a few'll see what soon!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - True Final Boss (Final Episode) - *Strategy*

Note: This was posted because I couldn't fit it in the description for the video. Video Link:

You're going to want to try to walk into this fight around LV30 or higher if you can. Otherwise your own means of useful damage will be Dark Firaga reflection, which won't be present in form 2. Your best keyblade for this is likely the one you're handed in the Final Episode.

For commands, I suggest Seeker Mine, at least 1. Mine Square works as well, but not as good. Triple Firaga or Triple Blizzaga work great for this fight. Thundaga and Thundaga Shot are next best as well. You may want to pack 2 Curagas just in case too.

For the first form, 90% of the moves are the same as in Terra's. The only move he doesn't retain as far as I can tell is his giant Meteor spam attack. I will list his attacks below and how to dodge each one.


*Dark Firaga 1*

Description: He jumps up in the air and shoots a blast of Dark Firagas at you. If one hits you, the rest will hit you!
How to dodge: You dodge this by just simply Guarding it back at Terranort for free damage. The damage is static depending on how many hit him, so even at LV1 you'll do big damage! Cartwheel can dodge this easily as well, but it's best to Guard it.
Notes: Just beware, he likes to do his Dark Haze dashes after getting hit by this. There's a small chance you could be hit during your ending lag of Guard. However, it's not nearly as tough as with Terra.

*Dark Haze*

Description: A dark dashing move, usually will be used more than once in a row. It is weak, but he is invincible during this move.
How to dodge: Just Cartwheel out of the way for best results. Guard works too, but is not as reliable.
Notes: If you lure him so that the move ends right near you, it will bait him into doing a regular move right after. This is bad if you Guard the Dark Haze dash because if he finishes it too close to you, his next attack will hit you.

*Ars Solum*

Description: He unleashes a major combo. If one hit gets you, the whole combo will hit you. Each hit does a good amount of damage.
How to dodge: You can Guard this, which should stun him and allow you to counter with a hit. This won't do much damage though, Cartwheeling away from it allows you to finish with a stronger attack.
Notes: If you Cartwheel from the move 3 times fast enough, you'll have enough time to put down Seeker Mines, where Terranort will attack into them and take massive damage. The timing takes practice, but it's well worth it. If you do it wrong, you'll get hit or his move will stop before he gets to it. Another great punish is to just keep Cartwheeling away, and if you're at a safe distance, hit him with Triple Firaga (or Triple Blizzaga) right before he finishes. This does almost as much as Seeker Mine.

*Quake 1*

Description: He swings his keyblade up as he summons a giant boulder type Quake move from the ground.
How to dodge: You can Cartwheel away or Guard this. Guarding is a great idea, because Terranort can follow up with another move. Cartwheel is best option.
Notes: If you do Guard + counter, it won't always work.


After you take out a certain amount of HP, he will start doing new moves and go into his next phase. Some of these moves won't happen until a little later, but I'll group them all together anyway.

*Dark Firaga 2*

Description: He jumps up, and shoots out Dark Firaga while spinning around. The Dark Firagas will home in on you, and he shoots out a ton for the last group.
How to dodge: The best method to dodge this is to Cartwheel around until he does the final wave of them, where you can then Guard them back at him for major damage. The timing is tricky, but not too hard if you watch how he moves right before the final wave of Dark Firagas.
Notes: If he is hit at all during this move, he will stop it. You can Guard the first part easily to stop him and deal damage, but it's not as much and if you mess up, you'll get hit. For the final wave, make sure you're not too close or far away. If you are too far away he will do another attack before anything hits him. Also be very careful if he does this move with his back to the wall. If he does, some or most of the Dark Firagas will hit the wall, making your Guard attempts potentially miss. Best answer to this is to just Cartwheel the whole thing if that happens.

*Dark Impulse Combo*

Description: He quickly does a multi-hit attack from Terra's Dark Impulse Command Style. The last part of the combo is Terranort going underground and homing in on you and emerging when right below you.
How to dodge: Cartwheel away, Guard is not reliable here. It happens very fast, so you'll have to pretty much Cartwheel spam before he does a move just to be safe. Cartwheel right over him for the last hit to avoid being hit.
Notes: Be careful of the arm move, it ignores Second Chance/Once More for some reason. I believe the last hit of this when he comes up from the ground cannot kill you. Before the final hit when he goes underground, you have enough time to put down a Seeker Mine and lure his last hit to emerge right on top of it for some good damage.

*Ultima Cannon*

Description: His keyblade transforms into a giant cannon and shoots out a giant energy ball, which detonates shortly after.
How to dodge: This move is weird, and I don't fully understand it. The way I dodge it is to Cartwheel as far away from him as possible as fast as possible. Even after the energy ball comes out, Cartwheel spam hard. Sometimes I still get hit, not sure why. But Cartwheel spam works fine most of the time. The hitboxes are weird, though. I don't believe Guard does anything against this move.


Description: He summons a giant meteor that crashes down into the ground hard.
How to dodge: This move is really rare. Like Ultima Cannon, Cartwheel spam is best. Try to Cartwheel as fast as you can away from the Meteor.


Description: He heals himself, for about 20% of an HP bar.
How to dodge: You don't have to dodge this and cannot stop it.
Notes: He does this mostly on the last 2-3 bars of HP. After that he stops.

That's about it for his major moves. He has a random 3 hit combo, a Guard and counter, and a random slash move, but nothing really special about them.

Random Notes (From Terranort strategy post for Terra):
- Terranort is rarely able to be stunned after Ars Solum or the 3 hit combo. Stun Guarding + Counter Hammer is still best option.
- Sometimes if he gets launched (by a Mine move most likely) he will get out of the stun and teleport next to you for most likely Ars Solum combo. Be careful of this! It may be just because you did too much damage too fast.
- For his Dark Haze, you can still get hit even with Guard if he starts it right next to you.

***FORM 2***

This should be familiar to KH1 players. Terranort is accompanied by that dark heartless. This form is actually easier than the last fight. Only at low levels can this be tough due to how time consuming it would be. The trick to this fight is to just wait for Terranort to do anything and punish.

Moves that Terranort still has: Ars Solum and Dark Haze. I don't believe he keeps anything else, though I could be wrong.

New moves I will list below and how to dodge. I don't know the proper names, so I'll be just listing the moves and not titling them.

#1. The dark heartless will disappear. When it does this, it will appear under where ever you are and attack from below. Well timed Cartwheels avoid this easily. Doing the Cartwheel about a half a second when you see it appear is how to dodge it. It will do this numerous times before stopping. Before the start up of the move, you are free to slam Terranort with an attack or two. If you act fast enough, you can hit him with a Seeker Mine (stand right in front of him) AND Triple Firaga/Blizzaga before you have to start dodging. Also, note that you can hit him with one move afterwards as well.

#2. The dark heartless will shoot out blue projectiles that go towards you. cartwheel once out of the way to dodge. If you're slick, you can get one hit in during them. It will do this 1-3 times.

#3. Later on in the fight, the dark heartless will hold two dark orbs and toss them at you one at a time. Cartwheel to avoid these easily. I believe Guard works too. If you get hit, it has the Darkness status effect, so be careful.

#4. Later on, the dark heartless will do the famous "Submit" move from KH1. Dodge this by just Cartwheeling out of the way. This move isnt' that fast, it's easy to avoid.

#5. If you try to recklessly attack, Terranort will get the dark heartless to attack you with a swipe move. Cartwheel avoids this best.

#6. At any time, Terranort may break lose from the dark heartless and attack you directly with most likely Ars Solum. This is really hard to react to, best to always be Cartwheeling when close to Terranort.

That is about all that is note worthy. If you beat the first form, this form shouldn't be too much trouble, just lots more HP to deal with.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Hacked Fights?

It's a possibility. I haven't looked into how to use codes or do hacked fights yet for PSP & KHBBS, but I will after I'm completely done with all the regular challenges I'm doing in BBS. I'm uncertain if my old PSP will be able to handle it, but I guess we'll find out. Just know that it's a possibility.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Youtube's New Player Is Garbage

Seriously, who are the idiots behind all these YT changes these days? Things just get worse and worse. You can adapt to the stupid changes, but they just keep doing more.

The absolute biggest issue with the new player that frustrates me to no end is that when you mouse over the video, the bottom bar COVERS the bottom of the video. Really YT? You can't just have an extension for it on the bottom? You have to BLOCK OUT the bottom of the video so that all annotations are unviewable unless the user mouses out of the video for about 5 seconds?

The second issue, while not as big, is the bottom bar just straight out collasping when your cursor isn't on the video. What if you want to increase volume? Must hover over the video! VERY annoying, and no reason.

Last, but not least, the way you switch a video from 360p/480p to 720p/1080p requires you to once again, MOUSE OVER THE FUCKING VIDEO to bring up that bar, and then instead of hovering over the current resolution like before, now you have to actually CLICK the GOD DAMN button and click the new resolution you want. WHY IS YOUTUBE MAKING SHIT HARDER TO DO?

It just baffles me the way YT thinks.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

1400th Video Special is Done!

Looks like my 1400th video is done. It's set to upload July 20th, assuming I don't miss any days of uploading. No spoilers on what it is, but I think it came out pretty well.

The only problem is my 1400th video comes up in the middle of tourney videos for a tourney. I have an idea of what I should do about that, but I guess we'll see. I may take off the rest of the week from uploading videos after uploading my 1400th video.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Clash of the Titans 5 - Tourney Videos

Hey everyone. Those of you who don't know yet, I went to the COT5 tourney last weekend. A bunch of videos from that tourney were recorded of me. So I'll post them all here! I'll also post other NE player sets as well! Here are mine:



Nasty & MPrime Vs Bizkit & KingToon:
Bizkit & KingToon Vs Patg & EE:
Boss & Logic Vs Bizkit & KingToon:


Bizkit & KingToon Vs Lain & Shugo:


Bizkit Vs Pwii:
Note: HD & Commentary version will be uploaded in the future
Bizkit Vs M2K (Crowd Hype):

Other NE Players



*Amatuer Bracket*
Kiwi Vs Tiger: Coming Soon

M2K Vs Kiwi & Nicole & Izumi with Pokeballs:



Bloodcross Vs F00LY:


*Amateur Bracket*

Sails Vs M@v:
Sails Vs TKCK:
Sails Vs Kiwi:

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Good Gamer to Subscribe to!

I didn't find out about this guy until about 5 months ago. He's very popular on YT, as I'm pretty sure he has over 1 mil subscribers. He puts out gaming videos daily with commentary, at least one vlog on another channel a day, and a weekly video series on yet another channel among a few other things he does on that channel. Here are the links to his channels:

Gaming Channel:
Main Channel:

He's worth subscribing to IMO. His gaming commentary is extremely amusing, as he's funny, clever, entertaining in general, etc. He's currently playing through L.A. Noire, Duke Nukem Forever, and Terreria (fail game though). His older gaming videos I enjoyed were Amneisa, Portal 2,  and Fallout.

His vlogs are usually pretty entertaining, they usually just consist of him walking around an area talking about whatever comes to mind. For some reason it's always interesting.

His main channel is where he uploads his "Cute/Win/Fail" series every Monday where he reviews viral videos, similar to =3 that RWJ does. He also uploads Literal Trailers of movies/games every now and then, which are also very amusing.

Basically, I blogged this since I find he's very worth watching if you're into gaming commentary and such.

Monday, June 13, 2011

X-Men First Class Movie

I highly recommend seeing this movie, especially if you've seen the other X-Men movies. I felt compelled to go see it due to the massive amounts of positive reviews. After watching it, I fully agree. It does a near perfect job of showing how the X-Men came to be. While some of it is rather predictable, especially if you've seen the other movies, it's still extremely entertaining to watch it unfold.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - "Terranort" (Final Boss, Terra's Story) - *Strategy*

Note: This was posted because I couldn't fit it in the description for the video. Video Link:

The problem with this fight is going in for an attack at any time can get you killed. His Ars Solum attack (the multi-hit combo) will fully connect with you if any of it touches you. However, other than that and his Dark Firaga spam, nothing else will OHKO you for now. Here are a list of his basic attacks for the first part of the fight:

1. Dark Haze, he usually dashes with it twice. He's fully invincible during it and can chain them. Your best bet is to wait it out. Guarding this won't help, and in fact can get you hit if he stops too close to you. You can get him to stop this by spacing perfectly from the second dash so that he does another attack! This is important to know, you can sometimes force his Ars combo out of him this way so that you can Stun Guard + punish!

2. Dark Firaga Combo. He spams a bunch of these at once. You can dodge it with Sliding sideways. You can Guard them back at him for static damage no matter what your level is (immensely useful at LV1). However, if you Guard it he may Dark Haze right at you and hit you (this is only a problem if you're doing No Damage, otherwise it's fine). To fix this, you can use Aerial Slam (learned from another YT user about this). Aerial Slam has invincibility frames (not sure if it's only for projectiles). You can safely use Aerial Slam during this to slam the projectiles back at him while being fully invincible. However, I think there is a small chance you can get hit afterwards depending on how Terranort reacts.

3. Ars Solum. Not sure of the name, but it's a major multi-hit attack. If you get caught in any of it, the rest hits you. It can easily OHKO you without Second Chance/Once More at LV30 or lower. You can dodge this by moving away. Guard can stun him where you can Counter Hammer it for good damage. I'm not 100% sure, but Stun Guard may be needed to stun him all the time. Otherwise sometimes he will just keep going. He only uses this move if you are close enough to him. If you are always at a distance, he won't use this.

4. 3 Hit Combo. Randomly instead of Ars he'll use this. Just a simple 3 hit combo, can be Guard + Counter Hammer'd.

5. Quake. This one is a little weird. I can't seem to consistently guard it, so Sliding away may be best option. Only problem is if you're guarding in hopes of Ars Solum you may get hit by this instead. It does crap damage, but launches you.

Now that you know his basic attacks you can come up with some strats. Terranort CAN be hit with Mine Square, which launches him, but it's tough to get him to land on one. His Dark Haze goes right past it since he's invincible. However, if his Dark Haze finishes right on top of one, he'll get hit. If he gets hit, he's open to a fully aerial combo most of the time. Aerial Slam is great here, it does big damage, but it's tricky to land sometimes. Terranort is only open during the launch. Whenever he touches the ground, he's immediately out of the stun.

Baiting his Ars Solum combo to Stun Guard + Counter Hammer him is a great strat as well. You just have to be careful you don't get hit by Dark Firaga/Dark Haze being so close. If he's running towards you, then you can probably expect Ars Solum.

Shotlocks do pretty big damage to him if you're using a good one. However, he's also not open to these often and it can be tough to lock on him with him Dark Hazing at you constantly. I'd recommend bringing Ethers for when your Shotlocks miss due to his invincibility.

After you take off a bar of HP, he'll start using new moves. Here are the new moves:

1. Dark Firaga 2. This ones like the first, but there are a lot more. He shoots out a few at a time that home in on you then shoots out a bunch at once. It's tricky to Slide away, but it's the best method to damage him because if you Guard back the last wave they'll do big damage at any level. Otherwise you can just Guard normally. Be careful of your position though, sometimes one or two can still hit you.

2. Dark Impulse Combo. A similar combo to Terra's Dark Impulse Command Style. It looks close to Ars Solum, but this one cannot be fully guarded successfully. Your best bet is to just dodge it with Slide. The last hit is the same as Terra's, where he goes underground and quickly zones in on you to come out of the ground. Slide towards him during this to avoid it best. Be VERY careful if you're at 1HP. Unlike Ars Solum, the second to last hit in this combo ignores Second Chance/Once More for some reason.

3. Curaga. He starts using this about 2-2.5 bars of HP left. It heals a good amount, and is pretty annoying. It has nothing to do with you equipping Curaga either.

4. Meteor. This is the most ridiculous attack. I cannot consistently dodge it without Shotlocks. A bunch of meteors come out of the ground at random spots. Slide around the outer edge to best avoid them. After all of them are up in the air, they will launch towards you one after another. There are multiple ways to attempt dodging. Shotlock is the safest option. Second best option is to use Vanish (get it in Mirage Arena for about 700 points). Vanish won't work 100% of the time, but most of the time the meteors will not home in on you this way. You can Slide away from them best you can, but it's really random whether or not you get hit. You can Guard them, but some will bypass Guard. This is the worst option.

If you get hit by one Meteor, you'll get hit by the rest most likely. So wait it out so you can heal after. If you don't have Second Chance/Once More then you're probably dead at this point. Oh, and Xehanort is 100% invincible during this. In fact if you even so much as target him during this attack, he teleports away. This makes it tough to Shotlock him, but if you're on the outer edges you should fully lock on him if the Shotlock is maxed.

5. Ultima Cannon. Dodge it by sliding as far away as possible. You can also Aerial Slam it back into Terra for major damage. Don't forget you're invincible during Aerial Slam.

That's about it I believe. The second half of the fight is MUCH harder than the first, especially to no damage. Best forms of dealing damage is Aerial Slamming his Ultima Cannon back at him and Guarding/Aerial Slamming his Dark Firaga 2 move back at him. For the first form, Aerial Slamming Dark Firaga and Stun Guarding his Ars Solum attack back at him are the best methods.

And there you have it. Don't give up if you're having trouble, this fight is VERY difficult. You can always level up more or get Second Chance/Once More to make this more manageable.

Random Notes:

- Terranort is rarely able to be stunned after Ars Solum or the 3 hit combo. Stun Guarding + Counter Hammer is still best option.
- Sometimes if he gets launched (by a Mine move most likely) he will get out of the stun and teleport next to you for most likely Ars Solum combo. Be careful of this! It may be just because you did too much damage too fast.
- Dark Impulse Combo comes out fast, it's almost impossible to react to.
- Dark Firaga cannot be bully Guarded too close. Make sure he's targeted as well so they aim back at him.
- For his Dark Haze, you can still get hit even with Guard if he starts it right next to you.

Monday, May 23, 2011

My 1400th and 1500th videos...

Not quite there yet, but I'm closing in on my 1400th video. I already planned my 1400th video to be a Brawl compilation video. Nothing really special, but it should be pretty amusing regardless. However, I want to do something pretty special for my 1500th video. Any ideas? Because I'm drawing a blank at the moment.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

An old KH2FM video...

A few weeks ago, I finally got the copyright strike off my account for a KH2FM video so that I could get my ability to upload past 15 minutes again. The video was nothing more than a fight Vs Roxas at LV99 labeled "for fun", where I don't abuse looping the boss and just screw around. The video was liked a lot due to how it ended, but it was removed about 1 day after being put up.

Here is a link to that video in case you wanted to watch it:

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sub to Friend's YT & More KH Stuff

Hey everyone, just letting you know that a friend (Phuxeds) is uploading videos once again. If you don't remember, he used to do KH hacked fights with me back in 2007. Right now he's uploading FFIV TaY final chapter boss fights for the PSP version. So if you're curious what the game looks like in the PSP version for the fights I've uploaded, check him out:

As for KH:BBS, I'm currently planning on starting uploading Terra's bosses in about two weeks, assuming nothing goes wrong. All fights WILL be on Critical Mode (hardest difficulty). It won't be at LV1, but it will be low level, and I'll be doing what I'm known for in KH2FM with this game (except hacked fights lulz).

Monday, May 2, 2011

Upcoming Videos?

Just writing this to update you all on upcoming videos for my channel. Right now I'm doing Brawl vids from DNA #14. After those are done, I have 4 videos from another game to complete the videos for that game likely for good. Then I will most likely move onto the next set of tourney videos I have, then after that...get ready for this...will most likely be KH BBS videos!

Yea, so in case you haven't been reading my blogs, I finally got a PSP and KHBBS. I already played through the whole game on CM for fun. Now I'm going to record all the bosses to upload. Sadly, it won't be at LV1. I could have technically did the first few bosses at LV1 quite easily, but I didn't feel like wasting my time grinding out some Abilities and Commands. I figure these sets of boss videos will be sort of display fights. I will also be keeping the cutscenes before and after each fight intact for you guys. While it won't be LV1, it's definitely on CM, and there will be more challenges added onto it.

Just note that while I will be putting up KH:BBS videos really soon, I won't be putting them all up one after another. I'll take breaks in between the character's stories to go back to Brawl so that I don't fall too far behind on Brawl videos. Deciding to do KH:BBS before my special Brawl videos I had planned does sort of bug me, but I figure my KH subscribers have waited long enough for another KH video. Now hacked fights? That's not for sure yet, I'll look into it after I record all the bosses because at this point I have no idea how to use codes for PSP.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep

So I've been playing KH:BBS for the PSP now that I finally have it. Fun game so far, I'll probably blog a full review of it once I finish it completely. My current playthrough is just to have fun and get a feel for the game before I start recording. The question is, what AM I going to record?

Well, unfortunately, recording LV1 CM playthrough seems out of the question for this game. Unlike KH2FM, you really need those levels to do any amount of meaningful damage to bosses. If you're the lesat bit underleveled, you could be hitting the boss for 1 damage a hit. And trying to do entire boss fights with those stats would make them 20-30 minutes each, and no one wants to watch that IMO.

Instead, I think I'm going to just record a normal Critical Mode playthrough of BBS. I'll probably only record bosses. Not sure if I want to bother including forced fights yet, probably not though. My KH ego is too big from KH2FM, so I started off on Critical Mode right away. Anything lower would make me feel like a scrub. Critical Mode in this game seems quite a bit more difficult than in KH2FM, if not only for damage output issues and lack of dodging options combined with bosses who aren't as safely open to attacks as they were KH2FM.

Regardless, I finished Terra's story already, and am working on Ven's story now. After I finish his and Aqua's as well, I'll do the final story and then figure out how I want to record. I'm going to try to do the boss fights as a semi-low level, so that it's not easy. The wonderful thing about KH:BBS, is that you can get most, if not all abilities right off the bat, due to the ability to Meld Commands right away. So you'd just need to farm Munny, farm CP for the Commands to Meld, and then you can have a rather broken set of abilities for LV1 CM playthrough. Of course, for my initial recording, I won't be doing LV1 likely, so I won't over prepare. However, after I record all the bosses on CM, I may try a LV1 run. If the bosses start taking too long, I probably won't bother, though.

When are these videos going up? Well, got some more Brawl videos to dish out over the next few weeks most likely. By then I should have a good amount of KH:BBS recorded to start upping, hopefully. Because other than my Brawl tourney videos I have coming out soon, I have more Brawl vids planned to be uploaded, and there's about a months worth of them.

Monday, April 18, 2011

PSP Get!!!

Yes, that's right, I finally own a PSP! Big thanks to Pelca for selling me his PSP for only $45. Amazing deal. Came with KH:BBS fully installed and a memory card.

What does this mean for my Youtube subscribers? It means you guys could be seeing new Kingdom Hearts videos soon. How soon? Well...probably not for a few months. But hopefully after I finish up on my backlog of Brawl videos, I can get on that fast.

The only downside to this PSP is it's a PSP 1000, which means I can't easily record with it. But I can record off the PC with Fraps like I did with Touhou, so that should be more than good enough. I started a KHBBS file last night. We'll see how it goes.

Monday, April 11, 2011

A Universal Brawl Ruleset for Brawl?

Depending on how much you know about competitive Brawl will depend on how much this makes sense. So back at the beginning of the year, Alpha Zealot formed the BBR-RC on Smashboards with the goal of constructing a universal ruleset for Brawl tourneys that will be used by all TOs. A stage list was released when it was announced, and it was claimed that all the future Brawl national tourneys will be using the stage list.

I ended up getting invited into the BBR-RC a couple months later to help, since I'm a TO in the New England region. It's been pretty interesting being a part of the BBR-RC and helping put together the ruleset. It's difficult to get everyone to agree to all the rules, but the first version was released publicly last Wednesday. It was a little rushed, but overall it came out pretty good.

If you're curious, the ruleset can be found here:

It's not perfected yet, but the few issues with it will likely be re-discussed and fixed as we get more feedback on tourneys that run the ruleset. The stage list will probably change, and other little things, such as possibly the LGL rule and the Starter Stage List. But anyway, I just wanted everyone to know what's up with this. If you go to tourneys that aren't running this ruleset, try to let the TO know about the ruleset and see if he'll agree to using it. Remember, the goal of this ruleset is to get as many tourneys to follow it as possible.

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools?

Many people and websites play pranks on April Fools day. I've played a couple myself. I'll describe the ones I did as well as others I see on websites.

*My April Fools Pranks*

#1. Joke Brawl Power Rankings for NE

I put up fake Power Rankings for New England. They were technically due April 1st, so instead of putting up the real rankings, I put up a fake image I created and wrote up fake reasoning to go with it. Believe it or not, quite a few people fell for the fake rankings. They looked pretty believable. You can check it out here:

Joke PR Image:
Joke Reasoning: (if you're reading this past April 1st, you'll have to scroll down to the bottom)

#2. Youtube Video

I put up a video for Brawl claiming that LV9 CPUs are impossible while showing a few clips of the CPU KOing or comboing me. The joke itself is an old GameFAQs joke from back in the Melee days, where a player would jokingly claim a LV9 is impossible, and skeptical readers would comment on how the player is just bad at the game and how they beat CPUs all the time. The original player would likely respond with "you're lying."

 *Other Website April Fools Pranks*


Youtube's seemingly only prank is a joke about how the site worked back in 1911, or something alone those lines. You can watch videos using the 1911 button to see them displayed in old movie & music style, replacing the videos original audio. It's pretty amusing if you watch certain videos with it.


Well the front page makes it pretty obvious. There's a joke 40 year anniversary page for GameFAQs, as well as the poll of games that will likely never be released (or even made). Lastly, there's an Awesome Mode option in the upper right area that turns the website into a gigantic eye sore.


Neal went all out this year with April Fools pranks. To start it off, everyone has had their avi changed again to something random. Instead of Pokemon, it was changed to random animated sprite gifs of older video game characters. Pretty neat to see who got who, but apparently it's changeable if you know how, which sort of defeats the purpose of it being random. The front page has a poll on which user should be the next AIB Admin. All of the members in the poll are known trolls. The MLG livestream link to a Brawl Throwback Event links to a Starcraft song parody of Justin Bieber's song "Baby." All the videos on the site were changed to a video where Neal gets a hug from someone.

To make things even more interesting, all comments on the site changes a user name to "Admiral [username], Literally." The Admiral part is a joke against the user Admiral Pit, who is generally hated by most of the site, or just trolled for being weird, rather. The "literally" part is because Neal made a blog a few weeks back calling everyone out who uses the word "literally" wrong. Needless to say, tons of people trolled the blog using "literally" wrong. It's a pretty amusing inside joke, but makes figuring out who made the comment rather difficult. The sites trading card display replaces all characters with Fox, all stages with Final Destination, and removes all Items. Melee joke, really.

Last but not least, there's a joke ModCP, where all users have the ability to view and submit mod commands. For example, there's a Ban User, where a user will get a badge if they try to ban Toonblade (or I think any user on the front page poll). There's a Badge command, Ladder Dispute command, Mod Ladder, and the most amusing, Toonblade Tracker. Toonblade is a known annoying troll on the site, sometimes claimed to be Neal's alt account, so Toonblade Tracker displays all his activity, while adding a few amusing notes, such as when he annoys a mod, or when he makes a spelling error.


Smashboards appears to have replaced the front page with a terrible color scheme, and renaming the site to "The Friday World Forums". The banner at the top is an image of Rebecca Black. Sadly this makes the site an eye sore, and hard to put up with. To make things worse, the front page auto players the song "Friday." This seems more like a major troll than an April Fools prank.

Overall, most were pretty annoying or uninteresting. I found Aib's to be most amusing out of all the others. Whatever happened to making April Fools jokes without making the website impossible to withstand?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Youtube Giving Me Issues

I found out recently my ability to upload videos past 15 minutes has been taken away. I'm not entirely sure why, but it's frustrating. I had to cut down on my 1300th video special to make it fit into 15 minutes instead of the original 19 minutes. What's worse is, I have future videos that go a little past 15 minutes that I can't upload in one video because of this.

After much research, no one seems to know the story behind why some YT users lost the ability to upload past 15 minutes. I can't see why mine was revoked. I've had a strike on my account since 2007 that I've been too lazy to take care of, but if that were the issue, I wouldn't have gotten the ability to upload past 15 minutes in the first place. Other users claim to have no strikes and lost the ability as well. YT doesn't seem to be responding to this either.

I'm hoping I can get it back. I applied for YT Partnership in hopes of gaining the ability to upload past 15 minutes again. If it doesn't work, I'm stuck at the 15 minute cap, which will make some videos annoying to upload, such as the final boss of FFIV TaY, which was originally able to fit into two parts but now will likely have to be 3-4 parts. If any of you know what's up with this, feel free to comment.

Friday, March 18, 2011

1300th Video Special Next Week?

Almost up to my 1300th video! It's all ready to go. It IS Brawl related, but it's not another Silly Moments special. I don't want to reveal it until I upload it, but it'll be different. It's about 19 minutes long, which is the longest video I have ever uploaded yet. Thank god for Youtube dropping the upload cap.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Donation Fund?

I've given some thought to this. Others do it, and I wonder if it could be a big enough benefit to me. The reason I don't buy games often, is quite simply because I can't really go around blowing money like that. If I had a donation fun, I could use the money raised by my subscribers that feel I'm worth donating to to buy a new game every now and then to record and upload.

I worry that it would be taken the wrong way, though. I mean ultimately, any donations would be mine to keep regardless of whether or not I feel like I should actually buy a game with it, but I've always been curious how much I could raise off of subscribers, and I thought it'd be nice to put the money towards games for my channel if there were enough of it.

I wouldn't want to be viewed as a scammer or sell out, or anything, because that wouldn't be the intention.

So what do you guys think? Feel free to post your thoughts on whether a donation fund for my YT channel is worth a shot or not.

Friday, March 4, 2011

T.A.E.R. 5 Tourney Livestream

Hey guys, there will be a livestream for the SSBB tourney tomorrow (Saturday, March 5th) called T.A.E.R. 5. Top players from New England region will be there, such as Fatal, me, Bloodcross, etc. Out of Region players from NY claim to be coming to this also, such as Vinnie and Will. Expect updates on my Twitter as well.

Livestream Link:
Twitter Link:

The Livestream probably won't be up until 11am-12pm. There will likely be commentary. Livestream will last until the tourney ends most likely. If there's any problems with the livestream, I'll let you guys know via Twitter.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pound V Was Great

I had a lot of fun at Pound V. I met my goals, which was to make it out of both singles and doubles pools. I didn't do quite as well in the pro bracket as I wanted, but I had M2K round 2, so I was sent into losers rather early.

Doubles was hilarious. Fatal and I basically trolled by going all double Snake, which is considered one of the worst teams in the game. We managed to get 7th/48, losing to Jerm & Trela, and Ultimate Razer & Gnes. We took out Neo & Slikvic and Nick Riddle & Kadaj. It would have been nice to get 5th, but I'm fine with 7th.

Singles was alright for me. I 2-0'd everyone fairly easily in my first pool, almost dropping a game to Punishment Divine. Second pool I lost to Esam 0-2 and then 2-0'd everyone else.

Bracket wasn't too fun for me. I almost got DQed for not showing up on time, because Fatal thought it'd be a brilliant idea to put our luggage in the car in the parking garage, 1 mile away. So 2 miles of walking took much longer than we though. Kid Goggles almost DQed me, but Tant said to play it out, so I rushed in without any kind of warmup. I won game 1 pretty decently. I forgot that Sonic is good on Pictochat and banned Rainbow Cruise instead. He ended up winning the Pictochat match, as I DIed a Bair pretty bad. Game 3 was really close, we were both at about 120%, but I got the utilt kill when he jumped up at me while I was on a platform.

Next set was M2K. Despite not warming up, I took both games down to last stock with him at 70% before dying. I was ahead the entire match on FD until the end. I seem to have a habit of blowing leads. In losers, I got a free win since Seagull wasn't there. Then I had to fight Poltergust. I'm usually extremely good at the Yoshi matchup, but last stock on game 1 Poltergust decided to do a suicide Fair spike on me which caught me very off guard and actually managed to kill me. So I ended up just straight out losing game 2 and losing to him. I spent the rest of the tourney coaching Fatal to beat King Toon, Lie, and MVD, before he finally lost to Ultimate Razer. He lost to Lie in winners, because he's awful at the Diddy matchup.

Overall, fun weekend, met my goals so I'm happy with that. Interested to see if I can use what I learned at Pound V at DNA this weekend. :)

Here's some videos from Pound V:

Fatal & Bizkit Vs Nick Riddle & Kadaj:
Only doubles set with us saved.

Pokemon Singing during Melee Finals:

Fatal Vs Lie:
Fatal Vs Razer:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Going to be at Pound V

I won't be uploading any videos this Saturday or Sunday. There's a slim chance I won't be able to Monday either, depending when I get back home. I'll be at Pound V all weekend. Just in case you aren't aware, it's a Brawl/Melee National Tourney, ran by Plank and Tantalus. I'm carpooling down with 4 other New England players (Fatal, Bloodcross, Nacho, and Zao).

To whoever reads this that's going, hit me up. I'll accept friendlies and money matches.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Why Only One Video a Day?

I get asked this often. Specifically by the Brawl kids who cry about wondering why I only upload a tourney match a day instead of all the tourney matches at once.

The truth is, lately I've had most of my videos planned out. A few of them I sort of fit into my schedule of videos, such as the Event 41 joke video or the Mikeray Vs TeeVee joke video. But other than that, I've had my videos planned out a month or two ahead of time. This is one of the benefits to uploading a video a day.

Why do I do this, though? Simply because it allows the videos to get more views. Let's say I have 20 sets from one tourney. What if I uploaded all 20 of them in the same day? Do you think most of the viewers want to sit through a couple hours worth of Brawl matches in one day? Highly unlikely. Why not watch some now and the rest later? What if they forget, or don't care enough to? Not all the viewers are die hard Brawl fans. Some may not even be Brawl fans at all.

Uploading a video a day creates a sort of anticipation and suspense for my subscribers. When it's only a video a day, it's easy for the viewer to watch, instead of trying to find time to watch multiple videos a day from just me.

Currently, I have daily videos planned all the way up until April. No I will not upload them all at once, either. I get bugged a lot by the Brawlers who are actually in the matches that want to see them. What do I have to say to them? Either be patient or record them yourself.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Future Youtube Videos? Brawl/Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts!?

At this point in time I have 10,500 subscribers. What many subscribers don't realize is that my Youtube channel is for more than just one game. The Brawl subscribers don't know what's going on when I upload Final Fantasy videos, while the Kingdom Hearts subscribers are upset that I haven't uploaded a KH video in over 2 years.

So what's next? Well, I hate to say it, but KH2FM is done. I know a lot of subs that loved my KH2FM videos always wanted more, and I sort of ended it out of nowhere. I just ran out of stuff to do, really. You could only do so many interesting combination of fights, and it was getting repetitive for me. The other issue was a lot of cool hacked fight ideas were not possible due to freezing. So that's it from KH2FM, it's over and done with. But is KH done? Nope! The only reason I don't have KH BBS videos is because I don't own a PSP...yet. Eventually I'll likely pick one up. I'm also interested in KH 3DS. And of course, I'll most definitely pick up Kingdom Hearts 3 whenever it comes out and will definitely record videos for it.

Moving on, what about Brawl? Well I still attend tourneys, and I still tend to get replays from them. So that will be on going. Many people seem bored of Metaknight Vs Snake tourney matches. There's not much you can do about that. On the plus side, many of the players I upload are top players in the region, and sometimes the country! So a lot of my Brawl tourney videos are at the top of the current metagame. I also have something interesting for Brawl planned in the upcoming months! But I'm keeping that quiet.

What about FFIV TaY? There are still more bosses to be uploaded. I'm uploading them in between Brawl tourneys. This way no one can really complain about one game being uploaded too much at once. Do I have any other Final Fantasy games planned? At this point, no. FFXIII Versus looks pretty badass, so I'll likely buy that and upload the bosses for that too. Not sure on FFXIII-2 yet.

Other games? I'm interested in picking up Tales of Graces now that it's going to be ported to the US. I'm not 100% on that. I'll probably look into other games soon as well.

As for my plans, I actually have my videos planned out until April currently. All I can say is that if you aren't currently interested in my videos that are going out, please be patient. If I were rich or wanted to blow the money, I'd have a PSP by now to play and record PSP games, or DS games even. But I'm not, so I can't just go blow money like that at once.

Welcome to my new Site, Subscribers!

I didn't use the old blog enough, and it turned into something completely different than what I originally intended. I deleted all the old blog entries and will be re-introducing it for use of informing my Youtube Subscribers of updates and information about my videos from now on!

I registered a domain just for this. Until I feel like this site can be more than just for blogs, it'll remain a mirror for Blogger. Keep this site bookmarked, though.