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Monday, April 25, 2011

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep

So I've been playing KH:BBS for the PSP now that I finally have it. Fun game so far, I'll probably blog a full review of it once I finish it completely. My current playthrough is just to have fun and get a feel for the game before I start recording. The question is, what AM I going to record?

Well, unfortunately, recording LV1 CM playthrough seems out of the question for this game. Unlike KH2FM, you really need those levels to do any amount of meaningful damage to bosses. If you're the lesat bit underleveled, you could be hitting the boss for 1 damage a hit. And trying to do entire boss fights with those stats would make them 20-30 minutes each, and no one wants to watch that IMO.

Instead, I think I'm going to just record a normal Critical Mode playthrough of BBS. I'll probably only record bosses. Not sure if I want to bother including forced fights yet, probably not though. My KH ego is too big from KH2FM, so I started off on Critical Mode right away. Anything lower would make me feel like a scrub. Critical Mode in this game seems quite a bit more difficult than in KH2FM, if not only for damage output issues and lack of dodging options combined with bosses who aren't as safely open to attacks as they were KH2FM.

Regardless, I finished Terra's story already, and am working on Ven's story now. After I finish his and Aqua's as well, I'll do the final story and then figure out how I want to record. I'm going to try to do the boss fights as a semi-low level, so that it's not easy. The wonderful thing about KH:BBS, is that you can get most, if not all abilities right off the bat, due to the ability to Meld Commands right away. So you'd just need to farm Munny, farm CP for the Commands to Meld, and then you can have a rather broken set of abilities for LV1 CM playthrough. Of course, for my initial recording, I won't be doing LV1 likely, so I won't over prepare. However, after I record all the bosses on CM, I may try a LV1 run. If the bosses start taking too long, I probably won't bother, though.

When are these videos going up? Well, got some more Brawl videos to dish out over the next few weeks most likely. By then I should have a good amount of KH:BBS recorded to start upping, hopefully. Because other than my Brawl tourney videos I have coming out soon, I have more Brawl vids planned to be uploaded, and there's about a months worth of them.

1 comment:

Vinsora said...

Sweet. Bummer about no lvl 1 though. but it's good your back posting Kingdom Hearts nonetheless