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Monday, July 18, 2011

Youtube's New Player Is Garbage

Seriously, who are the idiots behind all these YT changes these days? Things just get worse and worse. You can adapt to the stupid changes, but they just keep doing more.

The absolute biggest issue with the new player that frustrates me to no end is that when you mouse over the video, the bottom bar COVERS the bottom of the video. Really YT? You can't just have an extension for it on the bottom? You have to BLOCK OUT the bottom of the video so that all annotations are unviewable unless the user mouses out of the video for about 5 seconds?

The second issue, while not as big, is the bottom bar just straight out collasping when your cursor isn't on the video. What if you want to increase volume? Must hover over the video! VERY annoying, and no reason.

Last, but not least, the way you switch a video from 360p/480p to 720p/1080p requires you to once again, MOUSE OVER THE FUCKING VIDEO to bring up that bar, and then instead of hovering over the current resolution like before, now you have to actually CLICK the GOD DAMN button and click the new resolution you want. WHY IS YOUTUBE MAKING SHIT HARDER TO DO?

It just baffles me the way YT thinks.

1 comment:

Thanks for sharing your info. I really appreciate your efforts and I will be waiting for your further write ups thanks once again. said...

Thanks for sharing your info. I really appreciate your efforts and I will be waiting for your further write ups thanks once again.
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