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Friday, November 30, 2012

24 Hour Livestream on Twitch (1000 Follower Special!) on December 1st!

Yes, you read that right. I'm doing a 24 hour livesteram special on Twitch for reaching 1000 Followers. It'll be December 1st, starting around 5:00PM EST (Saturday).

I'll be playing a bunch of games that I speedrun. If you want a full schedule, you can view it here:

Maybe I'll do something even better for 2000 Follows, so make sure to Follow me!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Some of my Custom Brawl Music

Many comments on my Brawl videos these days are "OMG WHAT SONG IS ON GAME 1" and such. I'll list a few of them off hand now for people who want to know.

Of Atoms and Stardust - Ellipse:
Gradius - Extra Stage:
Sonic Generations - Big Arm Boss:
Xenoblade - Unfinished Battle:
Xenoblade - One Who Gets in Our Way:

That's it for now, will post more eventually.

By the way, make sure you click "Follow" for me on Twitch to support me. If I get 1000 Followers, I'm doing a 24 hour livestream! Just go here and click "Follow":

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Livestream & What's coming (KH3D?)

I've still been making a habit out of streaming as much as I can lately. So check me out and Follow me on Twitch at On this Monday (8/13) I plan to stream Kingdom Hearts 1.

As for Kingdom Hearts 3D, I plan to try to get it soon. I think I can get away with streaming and maybe even recording with my HD Webcam. Only problem is how to position the cam so it's above the 3DS. I'll figure it out if I can and try to stream and record it! Just letting you guys know what's up.

Tuesday this week also will be Crash Team Racing most likely!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Just in case you haven't noticed...

Sorry for lack of updates here, I haven't had much to say. But just in case you haven't been paying attention, I've been livestreaming lately on Twitch. I just went through KH2FM recently again, beating all Data fights & Terra at LV1. I plan to stream KHReCoM next week as well (English version most likely!)

So if you're not Following me yet on Twitch, make an account (if you don't already have one) and do so to support me:

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Follow my Twitch Livestream!

I'm going to start getting into some livestreaming a little here and there. So follow me at!

What will I stream? Could be anything. Right now I'm having fun doing SM64 70 star speed run stuff (haven't streamed one yet, will soon!), I can also stream Brawl, and maybe even KH stuff. Either way, follow the account if you want to keep track of when I go Live.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Help Donate & Donation Livestream!

A smasher friend of ours had a terrible tragedy happen to him last week. Gunblade's home caught fire and eventually burned doing significant damage to his house. This video displays the damage done:

Gunblade needs help with donations to help him and his family get back on track. Insurance only covers so much. If you wish to donate, his Paypal is

However, to raise even more money, Dmbrandon from the Smash community is going to be livestreaming a 24 hour playthrough of Diablo 3 on May 15th, starting at 3:00am Eastern! He already has tons of help with getting this going and even has a sponsorship on Twitch for it and even others! If you want to support it, join the Facebook page for it:

A direct link to his Twitch is here: 

Any help for this is appreciated. Gunblade is one of the nicest smashers I have met, and he deserves every penny for this! Even if you can't donate any money, following the event on Facebook and Twitch will help build support!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Possible new YT Channel?

Hey guys, testing out the new Blogger design by posting my interest in creating a new YT channel! I've recently bought a new Webcam, after not having one for the last few years. So now I may start doing vlog type videos where I just talk or discuss stuff going on. Not about my life, because who cares about that, but about Smash issues, or gaming issues maybe even, who knows, we'll see if I do create it. Stay tuned...

Monday, April 2, 2012

April Fools of 2012

Sadly I didn't play an April Fools prank in NE this year on YT. I just didn't have the time after just finishing my 1,600th video and being busy with other things. I did, however, have time to do another NE Power Ranking prank image.

New England Power Ranking Prank Image

So everyone sensible hates Bronies. They're stupid, annoying, probably sick in the head, and they're stupid. Also, they're stupid. So I figured I'd make a My Little Pony image to screw with New England PRs. Turns out everyone pretty much loved it or thought it was the actual real PRs and was okay with it. So...I dunno if...successful or not...

Either way, it was rather painful that I had to not only figure out what characters are on that show, but find out their names (thx to a MLP Wiki...sigh) and then proceed to Google Image pictures that might be better than the ones on the Wiki. By the way, NEVER Google Image MLP stuff without Safe Search on. Cannot unsee.

The only fun part of this was making the image itself. I'm not really too knowledgeable about Photoshop overall, and messing with stuff and trying to figure out how to make a decent image was fun, it's just a shame it had to be MLP. That was the painful part of it for me. I also did player write-ups for the PRs, but that's about it.

Here is a link to the image if you want to see it:

Other Websites Pranks


As far as I can tell, boring and nothing other than a trick poll that has a secret option. Not new, and not funny. So unless I'm missing more, which I might be, Gamefaqs dropped the ball this year.


Another disappointment. I don't think anything happened here either. A joke ruleset was posted for Smash 64, but that's about it, and probably not tied directly to the site. Read it here:

Sort of fake edit: Okay so Smashboards trolled me hard. As I was typing this up, I'm near the end, and guess what. April 2nd 12:00am, and Smashboards whips out The Slowpoke Forums. Yes, I laughed really hard. As far as content goes, there's not much. They changed the skin (ugh) to a blinding blue/purple theme, I guess to gather attention, which it does accomplish. The only other change seem to be 4 new News threads as a slow joke. Here are the threads:

You don't have to know Pokemon to get the joke behind this whole theme, unless you don't know what the word "slow" means. But thanks to this, Smashboards has indeed redeemed itself as being good at April Fools.


...Yea. No surprise here, just another video button gimmick. This time it seems to add a button on the bottom of the player that simulates a DVD type menu where you can choose options such as "Scene Selection, Home, etc" They work with your video, though, and not anything pre-set to another video. Their content thing was probably a joke too, too lazy to go into that. Overall, pretty underwhelming from YT unless I'm missing more stuff that went on.


I only heard this on the news, but apparently Google made a fake ad for their new idea of having Google race cars that drive themselves without a driver. Probably to sort of promote their idea of cars that sense their way and can drive themselves that they've been working on. Either way, it's a joke and was a pretty amusing one, since I'm sure many believed it.


It's hard to compare to last year, both had a lot of thought put into it and both were pretty funny. I really miss the Toonblade harassment from last year, but the changes this year were pretty amusing as well. The general list of changes that I've noticed are:

1. Username box on Banner moves around on Mouse Over. This was last years joke as well, and it makes trying to click on your username to go to profile, clicking for alerts, PMs, or friend requests annoying to do. There were ways to get it not to move, but most wouldn't bother.

2. Everyone able to recommend blogs. Something only Admins/Mods can do. Some users have stated "Why can't all users recommend blogs?", so Neal decided to make it so any user can recommend any blog (except their own). Most likely as an attempt at showing why this will never happen. Most blogs were spammed with recommends just for laughs. This one I thought was pretty funny.

3. Everyone has League of Legends avi. This one was a little underwhelming compared to the Pokemon avis from last year. The ratio of people that know Pokemon to LoL is just abysmal for LoL. So most didn't know who they were, or hated who they were. I wuold have just preferred Pokemon avis again or something most people could relate to.

4. LoL ladder added. This was kind of amusing, but I still was not really digging the LoL theme. Either way, to get a new badge Neal made, you had to make a 5 vs 5 team to get it. It was a little confusing, since you apparently needed to know LoL to know what kind of users to add. The ladder was fake, but Neal edited the score of the team he was on which happened to be the one I was on to have a 1-0 record, giving us 1st on the fake ladder.

5. Random loading skins per page & new pink skin. This one was kind of a jerk troll move. I HATE the skins on aib for the most part. Most of them are blinding, aside from Rising Sun, which is better than the original IMO. The new pink theme looked promising, though. I still would prefer Rising Sun, though. But the others made the constant changes ridiculous, Neal should have made it able to be toggled off for the day since the joke kind of wore off after the first few page loads. It also lagged the pages with loading until near the end of the day when Neal fixed it.

6. Swear words replaced with "flour". This was really funny to do. Instead of a swear filtering to "****", it filters into "flour". So saying "Fucking" would end up being "flouring". It restored back to "****" the next day, which makes a lot of blog posts during April 1st really kind of funny. Though on the other hand, having "flour" remain would have equally been as hilarious later on to users who maybe weren't here on April 1st.

7. All videos on aib replaced with a different video. It's exactly what it sounds like. Every video page on aib that links to a YT video was replaced with the same YT video of a "Guiles theme goes with everything" video. Kind of funny, easily missed this one myself as I don't often watch aib linked videos to YT.

8. Some trading card groups replaced with repeat cards. Stuff from last year repeated, such as all character cards are fox, all stage cards are Final Destination, items were blankish, etc.

9. Last, but maybe not least if I missed any, is user names changed to LoL titles. I don't know LoL, so I don't understand the titles, but basically it was just "username, LoL stuff". It made it pretty confusing to follow. Once again, didn't dig the full LoL theme going on, user names from last year were much funnier to me.

Overall, still really well done and lots of effort put into it clearly. I feel like Neal's blatant love for LoL made him choose a theme most don't really know much or anything about. But the non-LoL related stuff was pretty funny that wasn't re-used from last year.


Yea, one last thing. Toonami. If you haven't heard, you must not be on any social media sites. Adult Swim aired Toonami as their April Fools joke. Just in case you're out of the loop on Toonami in general, it was one of the greatest things to ever happen to Cartoon Network. It consisted of a bunch of animes when Toonami would run, all of which were generally entertaining (until it got into Naurto and other garbage). So CN killed it, even though people still loved it. So AS brings it back for the night replaying the really old series it had, such as DBZ, Gundam, YYH, and more.

I heard from a friend that Adult Swim aired the new ep of Bleach first at midnight like it always is, but then had The Room movie play next. If you're unaware, The Room was their April Fools prank from the last two years (it's considered the best worst movie to most). But they apparently cut off the movie 5 minutes in into a surprise Toonami DBZ episode. And so began the epic Toonami night. It also featured Tom, old Tom too. It also had some of the old commercials and promos for the shows as well. It was just a great night overall.

It's hard to say whether or not Adult Swim is serious about bringing Toonami back. Here's an idea of how successful the night went. Reportedly, a regular Saturday night ratings for AS is around 140,000. This night had over 4 million ratings. That should be a red flag that people want Toonami back, if even it's on Adult Swim Saturdays. Online social medias exploded over this, it was huge. Adult Swim clearly must know what's going on and might have Toonami planned. Steve Blum, who is the voice of Tom had his Twitter up all night supporting bringing this back, showing us he's on our side. Will Adult Swim (CN) listen? We'll find out next week, as the end of AS on April 1st had Tom say "Next week on Toonami..." sort of phrase.

That's about it for this years April Fools. Who did well this year for me? Adult Swim knocked it out of the park. It could all be a cruel joke to get our hopes up, or the greatest April Fools leading into the greatest return ever. Maybe I'm a little biased, I sort of grew up with original Toonami. But Toonami was amazing. Youtube and GameFAQs blew it as far as I can see, not really taking advantage of anything to get hype or interest in their jokes. Just resorting to the old boring tricks from last year. AllisBrawl did a good job overall with lots of noticeable effort, but the LoL theme made it a step down from last year IMO, although so many things were changed that some of the new ones were better this year than last year. Smashboards did pretty well also after fooling us all day into thinking they were going to change something but then whipping out The Slowpoke Forums April 2nd.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Video Stealer Gets Mad For Getting Caught

Yes, you've read the title right. Every once in a while a nice YT user will comment on a video or message me saying someone stole one of my videos and link me to it. This has happened about 3-4 times now. I don't know WHY people steal my videos, but they do. And I get them taken down for Copyright.

So anyway, this kid stole my video and put it on his channel. The funniest part was probably that he completely changed the description to make it sound like he's playing. So I comment on the video warning him to remove the video within 24 hours or else I would report it for Copyright, because I'm a nice guy. 24 hours later, nothing removed. Regardless of why, I report it and it gets taken down within 1 minute, surprisingly somehow. Here is the link to the video:

Our friend gets mad and leaves me two rage comments:

Yes, you're reading that right. He's angry, furious with rage that I got his stolen video taken down. How dare I get him a 2nd Copyright Strike for stealing a video. Stealing a video should be okay. The problem here is that he is upset that I didn't give him enough warning. As if he has some kind of right to steal the video and get fairly warned for stealing it to take it down before getting some kind of consequence. I ignored his threat at the end, since there's absolutely nothing he can do to get me a strike, as I obviously did not steal any videos from him or post all over his Channel like a lunatic.

So he's 1 Copyright Strike away from being banned from Youtube. I tried to leave him a clever comment, but he blocked me, which wasn't too surprising. I decided to see if YT had a way to report someone for harassment. It turns out they do. Personally, I'm unaffected by it, but I think it would be absolutely hilarious if between the Copyright Strikes and this, he would get banned anyway. Not only that, but who knows what other videos he probably stolen from others without even so much as crediting them. So I sent a complaint via YT's surprisingly amazing harassment form that figured out exactly what I was reporting without me having to do anything, with hopes that YT may be smart enough to make an obvious decision of "hmm, this guy steals videos and will verbally harass whoever reports the stolen videos for Copyright...sounds like he should be banned." . As it warned, the comments were deleted almost immediately after I submitted it, so I took a screenshot knowing this.

Moral of the story: Don't steal videos. Now before you get all bent out of shape over this, I've let people use my content before. Some users have messaged me asking "Hey, can I use this part from your video for some video I'm making?" I always reply the same, with something similar to this: "Yes, as long as you give me credit in the description" and sometimes mention to link to my channel or the original video or something along those lines. I'm fine with it, as long as I get credit. However, uploading my entire videos are not okay. If I say it's okay, then it is, but otherwise assume no and that it'll be taken down. I consider using parts of it Fair Use, even though that means jack shit on YT, I follow it personally. Oh, and big thanks to the users who actually go through the trouble of letting me know when someone steals my videos!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Upcoming Stuff

I was really thinking about streaming Thursday, but I'm probably going to put it off some more to get things done, as I got to start putting together my 1,600th video. What is it? It's Brawl related...but no, it's not another Silly Brawl Moments. You'll have to wait and see what it is.

Anyway, as I finish up these DNA #20 videos this week, I plan to start up a new series next week. Then I'll be doing more tourney videos in between them along with probably more KHBBS hacked fights. Again, the "new" series is an old game, but still worth uploading for whomever has never heard of or played the game.

So in summary: More Brawl tourney vids, more KHBBS Hacked Fights, and new series. Stream will not be this week.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Stream Again?

I've wanted to stream again since the first time, but haven't really had time lately. If I come up with a good day next week or the week after, I'll do it again. Probably only Brawl for now until I find more time. Just keeping you guys updated.

As for videos, got Brawl stuff to upload and then a new series planned for an older game (1998 to be exact). Start the guessing games.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Sonic Generations - Time Eater (Final Boss) Guide

Video of Time Eater:

This Blog will explain how to take on Time Eater. I'll explain all his moves, how to hit him, and some of the lesser known tricks to this fight.

How to Damage Time Eater

First of all, to take out Time Eater, you have to hit is Orb 3 times. To do this, you have to Boost into the core. Easier said than done. You only have to hold down Boost, you don't have to mash it like some people think. You have to be somewhat centered on Time Eater to reach him. You have to be in Modern Sonic dimension to hit Time Eater (to my knowledge).

When you get close to Time Eater, he'll do a crush move. Avoid it by going up to the height of the head, and then after the move quickly descend while still Boosting and ram into the core. For some reason, it's possible to bypass the crush move sometimes. It's rare, but I did it twice in this fight. Don't rely on it.

Time Eater Attacks

This game does not really make it clear, but there is a heavy reliance on the ability to switch Sonics. What most people don't realize is that the only way Time Eater will generally be able to hit you is if you're in the same "dimension" as him, as I'll refer to it. There is both a Modern and Classic dimension. Time Eater will constantly go back and forth between them. If he does moves in the Classic dimension, then you can't get hit by them int he Modern dimension, and vice versa. Use this to dodge all the moves, or at least most. The downside is switching often makes it harder to get close enough to the Time Eater fast when he's int he Modern dimension to hit his orb.

Your friends will try to tell you what to do constantly. While sometimes they may be wrong with "switch now" and such, you should listen to them because they tell you when the Time Eater will attack, and what attack he'll do. It's extremely helpful when dodging the Laser.


Homing Attack

Description: The Time Eater sends out multiple yellow homing bullets at once that track you.
How to Dodge: Move around slowly in a circle to avoid it easily. Just moving at all will dodge it, but make sure on Hard Mode that you don't trap yourself with the extra bullets. Switching Sonics should also avoid this.
Notes: If you switch Sonics to avoid the move, keep in mind you only need to switch if the Time Eater does the move in your same dimension, otherwise the move will be really easy to avoid anyway.
This is the Time Eater's most used attack. On Hard Mode, you'll see this a lot.

Warping Arm Attack

Description: The Time Eater sends an arm through a warp to hit you.
How to Dodge: This ones a little tricky to dodge. You'll want to fly as far away from the arms potential path as possible. It usually does a swiping motion, so if it's all the way at the top, it'll probably reach down. If you don't think you'll avoid it, switch Sonics and the move will not ever hit you.
Notes: As noted with Homing Attack, if you switch Sonics to avoid the move, make sure you switch into the dimension that the Warping Arm is not in, or you may switch right into it!


Description: The Time Eater uses a Crush move when you get too close to him.
How to Dodge: Simply hover above him near the head level to avoid this. Then immediately go back down while in Boost to hit the Orb.
Notes: He uses this always when you approach him close enough. Rare occasions it'll glitch and you'll just go into the Orb. This may be due to him not doing the Crush move if he's in the middle of one of his other moves, so if you're too close already you may just glitch into the Orb anyway. (At least I think it's a glitch).



Description: The Time Eater charges and releases a laser on you.
How to Dodge: A lot of people have trouble dodging this, but it's really easy if you use the same idea from the moves above. Switch Sonics to avoid it! It's that simple. I don't think it's possible to dodge if you stay in the same dimension as it.
Notes: Time Eater will only use this move in the last phase. This move comes out fast, so you'll have to listen to your friends warn you or watch him charge up. It also makes it hard to Boost at him when you have to switch to avoid the laser when he uses it in Modern Sonic's dimension.


Description: Time Eater slows time on all his surrounds except for himself.
How to Dodge: This move appears to do nothing but freak you out. The move ends after a certain amount of time. I've never been damaged by it. Even though Time Eater is unaffected by it, he just spams Homing Attacks that probably won't hit you before the move ends.
Notes: This move tends to be followed up with the Laser, so beware!


Description: This is his desperation attack he uses on the very last part of Phase 2. He charges up a giant energy ball to send towards you.
How to Dodge: Simply hold L1 + R1 at the same time, as a friend will tell you to do.
Notes: Do not let go of L1 + R1 too soon, or you'll get hit. It's best if you just wait until the cutscene starts.

How To Survive

Since the Time Eater does not damage you when you get hit, you're probably wondering how you can die. As usual, being Super Sonic consumes your ring usage. When you hit 000 rings, you die. Many people have trouble gathering rings in this fight, but it's actually rather easy if you know the layout.

To stay alive, at the very beginning of the fight, use Boost immediately on the rings. If you don't know, Boosting past rings makes them follow you until you get them. So every time you find a row of rings, Boost past them and you'll pick up more than if you didn't.

Whenever you hit the Time Eater's Orb, he'll drop a ton of rings, so Boost right after again to pick up as many as you can. However, before warping into the next part, let go of Boost so you can align yourself with the incoming rings and THEN Boost through them as straight as possible to get as many rings as possible.

In Classic Sonic's dimension, it's really easy to pick up rings as they're really easy to pick up in a 2D view. So switch sometimes to that dimension to get more rings.

Using these tips will help you stay alive in this fight long enough, because sometimes, especially on Hard Mode, you may have trouble reaching Time Eater.

Summary & Tips

  • Always be in Boost except when you want to align yourself to pick up rings.
  • If you use X, you can send the Sonic you're not using to destroy nearby Debris. It's almost useless, but worth noting. Also be aware that you cannot switch Sonics while using this move.
  • Remember that Boosting past rings makes them follow you.
  • Try to stay centered on Time Eater in Modern Sonic dimension to get to him faster.
  • The laser move can only be avoided by switching Sonics.

Catch Touch This Trophy

To get this trophy, you have to beat Time Eater without getting hit. This is very vague and it's hard to know when the Time Eater actually hits you or if it's just debris, as debris does NOT count as a hit.

Really to get this trophy just make use of Sonic switching to avoid all hits. You CAN get this trophy on Hard Mode instead of Normal Mode, but I only did it for video purposes, don't do it if you're sane.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Stream Tonight?

I'm most likely going to stream tonight for the first time in a long time. If it goes well, I'll schedule more streaming dates. I plan to stream playing Brawl wifi matches with random players who join the stream.

It'll be around 9:00pm eastern, I'll upload a video before then for when it'll start.

Livestream link: http:///

Friday, January 6, 2012

Apex 2012

I'm going to be at Apex 2012 Saturday & Sunday. So I won't have another video up until either Monday or Tuesday depending on how much sleep I'll need after I likely near sleepless weekend I'll be having.

Follow the stream here:

Today is Melee, Saturday is Brawl, Sunday is top 8 of Brawl & Melee. Don't get too excited, I doubt you'll see me on stream at any point, but there will still be tons of top players from all over the world. We got Nietono, Kakera, Otori, Rain, Brood, Ocean, and more from Japan. We have Mr. R and Leon from Europe, of course Ally from Canada, and vVv Zero from Chile.

You can also follow my Twitter:

I'll be doing updates mostly for New England players only, although there's so many of us going I might forget.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I've thought about streaming again recently. Not like how I used to where it was nearly every day, but maybe schedule one every once in a while, maybe every other week. However, I need to get it set up. Last time I tried I had some problems with the audio not being good enough for my liking and such, so we'll see what I can do.