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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Video Stealer Gets Mad For Getting Caught

Yes, you've read the title right. Every once in a while a nice YT user will comment on a video or message me saying someone stole one of my videos and link me to it. This has happened about 3-4 times now. I don't know WHY people steal my videos, but they do. And I get them taken down for Copyright.

So anyway, this kid stole my video and put it on his channel. The funniest part was probably that he completely changed the description to make it sound like he's playing. So I comment on the video warning him to remove the video within 24 hours or else I would report it for Copyright, because I'm a nice guy. 24 hours later, nothing removed. Regardless of why, I report it and it gets taken down within 1 minute, surprisingly somehow. Here is the link to the video:

Our friend gets mad and leaves me two rage comments:

Yes, you're reading that right. He's angry, furious with rage that I got his stolen video taken down. How dare I get him a 2nd Copyright Strike for stealing a video. Stealing a video should be okay. The problem here is that he is upset that I didn't give him enough warning. As if he has some kind of right to steal the video and get fairly warned for stealing it to take it down before getting some kind of consequence. I ignored his threat at the end, since there's absolutely nothing he can do to get me a strike, as I obviously did not steal any videos from him or post all over his Channel like a lunatic.

So he's 1 Copyright Strike away from being banned from Youtube. I tried to leave him a clever comment, but he blocked me, which wasn't too surprising. I decided to see if YT had a way to report someone for harassment. It turns out they do. Personally, I'm unaffected by it, but I think it would be absolutely hilarious if between the Copyright Strikes and this, he would get banned anyway. Not only that, but who knows what other videos he probably stolen from others without even so much as crediting them. So I sent a complaint via YT's surprisingly amazing harassment form that figured out exactly what I was reporting without me having to do anything, with hopes that YT may be smart enough to make an obvious decision of "hmm, this guy steals videos and will verbally harass whoever reports the stolen videos for Copyright...sounds like he should be banned." . As it warned, the comments were deleted almost immediately after I submitted it, so I took a screenshot knowing this.

Moral of the story: Don't steal videos. Now before you get all bent out of shape over this, I've let people use my content before. Some users have messaged me asking "Hey, can I use this part from your video for some video I'm making?" I always reply the same, with something similar to this: "Yes, as long as you give me credit in the description" and sometimes mention to link to my channel or the original video or something along those lines. I'm fine with it, as long as I get credit. However, uploading my entire videos are not okay. If I say it's okay, then it is, but otherwise assume no and that it'll be taken down. I consider using parts of it Fair Use, even though that means jack shit on YT, I follow it personally. Oh, and big thanks to the users who actually go through the trouble of letting me know when someone steals my videos!

1 comment:

SafCar009 said...

Looks like he was about to remove his account when I went to his YT Channel. He says he likes Tekken, so maybe that's what he was thinking when he stole that video instead of "This is illegal, I'm going to get busted regardless of what I do, so I may as well not do it."