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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pound V Was Great

I had a lot of fun at Pound V. I met my goals, which was to make it out of both singles and doubles pools. I didn't do quite as well in the pro bracket as I wanted, but I had M2K round 2, so I was sent into losers rather early.

Doubles was hilarious. Fatal and I basically trolled by going all double Snake, which is considered one of the worst teams in the game. We managed to get 7th/48, losing to Jerm & Trela, and Ultimate Razer & Gnes. We took out Neo & Slikvic and Nick Riddle & Kadaj. It would have been nice to get 5th, but I'm fine with 7th.

Singles was alright for me. I 2-0'd everyone fairly easily in my first pool, almost dropping a game to Punishment Divine. Second pool I lost to Esam 0-2 and then 2-0'd everyone else.

Bracket wasn't too fun for me. I almost got DQed for not showing up on time, because Fatal thought it'd be a brilliant idea to put our luggage in the car in the parking garage, 1 mile away. So 2 miles of walking took much longer than we though. Kid Goggles almost DQed me, but Tant said to play it out, so I rushed in without any kind of warmup. I won game 1 pretty decently. I forgot that Sonic is good on Pictochat and banned Rainbow Cruise instead. He ended up winning the Pictochat match, as I DIed a Bair pretty bad. Game 3 was really close, we were both at about 120%, but I got the utilt kill when he jumped up at me while I was on a platform.

Next set was M2K. Despite not warming up, I took both games down to last stock with him at 70% before dying. I was ahead the entire match on FD until the end. I seem to have a habit of blowing leads. In losers, I got a free win since Seagull wasn't there. Then I had to fight Poltergust. I'm usually extremely good at the Yoshi matchup, but last stock on game 1 Poltergust decided to do a suicide Fair spike on me which caught me very off guard and actually managed to kill me. So I ended up just straight out losing game 2 and losing to him. I spent the rest of the tourney coaching Fatal to beat King Toon, Lie, and MVD, before he finally lost to Ultimate Razer. He lost to Lie in winners, because he's awful at the Diddy matchup.

Overall, fun weekend, met my goals so I'm happy with that. Interested to see if I can use what I learned at Pound V at DNA this weekend. :)

Here's some videos from Pound V:

Fatal & Bizkit Vs Nick Riddle & Kadaj:
Only doubles set with us saved.

Pokemon Singing during Melee Finals:

Fatal Vs Lie:
Fatal Vs Razer:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Going to be at Pound V

I won't be uploading any videos this Saturday or Sunday. There's a slim chance I won't be able to Monday either, depending when I get back home. I'll be at Pound V all weekend. Just in case you aren't aware, it's a Brawl/Melee National Tourney, ran by Plank and Tantalus. I'm carpooling down with 4 other New England players (Fatal, Bloodcross, Nacho, and Zao).

To whoever reads this that's going, hit me up. I'll accept friendlies and money matches.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Why Only One Video a Day?

I get asked this often. Specifically by the Brawl kids who cry about wondering why I only upload a tourney match a day instead of all the tourney matches at once.

The truth is, lately I've had most of my videos planned out. A few of them I sort of fit into my schedule of videos, such as the Event 41 joke video or the Mikeray Vs TeeVee joke video. But other than that, I've had my videos planned out a month or two ahead of time. This is one of the benefits to uploading a video a day.

Why do I do this, though? Simply because it allows the videos to get more views. Let's say I have 20 sets from one tourney. What if I uploaded all 20 of them in the same day? Do you think most of the viewers want to sit through a couple hours worth of Brawl matches in one day? Highly unlikely. Why not watch some now and the rest later? What if they forget, or don't care enough to? Not all the viewers are die hard Brawl fans. Some may not even be Brawl fans at all.

Uploading a video a day creates a sort of anticipation and suspense for my subscribers. When it's only a video a day, it's easy for the viewer to watch, instead of trying to find time to watch multiple videos a day from just me.

Currently, I have daily videos planned all the way up until April. No I will not upload them all at once, either. I get bugged a lot by the Brawlers who are actually in the matches that want to see them. What do I have to say to them? Either be patient or record them yourself.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Future Youtube Videos? Brawl/Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts!?

At this point in time I have 10,500 subscribers. What many subscribers don't realize is that my Youtube channel is for more than just one game. The Brawl subscribers don't know what's going on when I upload Final Fantasy videos, while the Kingdom Hearts subscribers are upset that I haven't uploaded a KH video in over 2 years.

So what's next? Well, I hate to say it, but KH2FM is done. I know a lot of subs that loved my KH2FM videos always wanted more, and I sort of ended it out of nowhere. I just ran out of stuff to do, really. You could only do so many interesting combination of fights, and it was getting repetitive for me. The other issue was a lot of cool hacked fight ideas were not possible due to freezing. So that's it from KH2FM, it's over and done with. But is KH done? Nope! The only reason I don't have KH BBS videos is because I don't own a PSP...yet. Eventually I'll likely pick one up. I'm also interested in KH 3DS. And of course, I'll most definitely pick up Kingdom Hearts 3 whenever it comes out and will definitely record videos for it.

Moving on, what about Brawl? Well I still attend tourneys, and I still tend to get replays from them. So that will be on going. Many people seem bored of Metaknight Vs Snake tourney matches. There's not much you can do about that. On the plus side, many of the players I upload are top players in the region, and sometimes the country! So a lot of my Brawl tourney videos are at the top of the current metagame. I also have something interesting for Brawl planned in the upcoming months! But I'm keeping that quiet.

What about FFIV TaY? There are still more bosses to be uploaded. I'm uploading them in between Brawl tourneys. This way no one can really complain about one game being uploaded too much at once. Do I have any other Final Fantasy games planned? At this point, no. FFXIII Versus looks pretty badass, so I'll likely buy that and upload the bosses for that too. Not sure on FFXIII-2 yet.

Other games? I'm interested in picking up Tales of Graces now that it's going to be ported to the US. I'm not 100% on that. I'll probably look into other games soon as well.

As for my plans, I actually have my videos planned out until April currently. All I can say is that if you aren't currently interested in my videos that are going out, please be patient. If I were rich or wanted to blow the money, I'd have a PSP by now to play and record PSP games, or DS games even. But I'm not, so I can't just go blow money like that at once.

Welcome to my new Site, Subscribers!

I didn't use the old blog enough, and it turned into something completely different than what I originally intended. I deleted all the old blog entries and will be re-introducing it for use of informing my Youtube Subscribers of updates and information about my videos from now on!

I registered a domain just for this. Until I feel like this site can be more than just for blogs, it'll remain a mirror for Blogger. Keep this site bookmarked, though.