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Monday, December 19, 2011

New Video Series Tomorrow & FFXIII-2???

Hey guys, just letting you know what's up. Now that my FFIX series is over, I'm starting another series tomorrow. It's not FF, though. Or Kingdom Hearts. Or Brawl. WHAT IS IT!? You'll see. I only very recently planned to upload it, but I think you guys will like it. It isn't the same series I intended to start after FFIX as I stated in my 1,500th video special, but I put that on hold for this instead.

As for FFXIII-2, it came out in Japan on the 15th. I don't intend to get a Japanese copy. I don't even know if I'll get it when it comes out in the states. I might wait, because I'm really skeptical on how good it will be. SquareEnix does not have a good track record with making sequels to FF games (FFX-2...). And the OST that I've heard so far for the game has been either downright insulting or just bland, save maybe a couple songs. In other words, I'm not too hyped about it. FFXIII Versus, on the other hand....when that comes out I'm all over that.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Youtube's New Update

So Youtube updated its site, once again, last week. Just when you thought YT couldn't be designed any more stupid, they go out of their way to prove you wrong. They re-designed virtually everything, even though the Home Page and Channels Pages stick out most.

Let's start with the Home Page. Oh boy, where to begin..for starters, WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY DO TO THE HOME PAGE!? Like seriously, before the update the Home Page was set up so that every person you're subbed to shows up on the Home Page when they upload a new video. You're probably thinking "Well hey, they do that now too!" Well the difference is...they displayed them horizontally. What you see now is a vertical list...well forget calling it a list, might as well call it a cluster fuck of seemingly random videos.

I can't help but feel like YT is trying to be like Facebook with the status updates. Just because it works for Facebook does NOT mean it works for fucking Youtube. The absolute WORST part about this update is the inability to close out of the videos on the Home Page after viewing them. Yes, thanks for taking away that feature YT. Now we're stuck with 9000 fucking videos on the front page and have to watch the videos immediately when they come out or they get buried in the giant stack of nonsense you call a video list.

As for the Channel pages? Good god, it's like they purposely wanted to suck the creativity out of them. They're replacing them with bland grey/white boxing. So if you spent hours working on a channel design to make your channel look unique and exciting...then you're out of luck. You can still keep the background image, but it will likely look out of place and stupid with the bland boxing. They haven't force updated the channels, but they will soon.

That's about it. It's sad that no one at YT appears to be smart enough to design a reasonable Home Page. I wonder if they ever see the feedback they get on their YT re-design videos. It's nearly all negative comments and thumbs downed videos.