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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Upcoming Brawl Videos?

I'm running low on replays. It's because I haven't been really uploading or saving many replays to catch up on the huge backlog I had. Now that the backlog is almost gone, I'll be getting a ton of replays at DNA #19, which will be MK banned! So hopefully we will have tons of interesting sets to watch, especially since doubles won't be MK/Snake only.

However, I plan to start uploading something else Brawl related I've had for a few'll see what soon!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - True Final Boss (Final Episode) - *Strategy*

Note: This was posted because I couldn't fit it in the description for the video. Video Link:

You're going to want to try to walk into this fight around LV30 or higher if you can. Otherwise your own means of useful damage will be Dark Firaga reflection, which won't be present in form 2. Your best keyblade for this is likely the one you're handed in the Final Episode.

For commands, I suggest Seeker Mine, at least 1. Mine Square works as well, but not as good. Triple Firaga or Triple Blizzaga work great for this fight. Thundaga and Thundaga Shot are next best as well. You may want to pack 2 Curagas just in case too.

For the first form, 90% of the moves are the same as in Terra's. The only move he doesn't retain as far as I can tell is his giant Meteor spam attack. I will list his attacks below and how to dodge each one.


*Dark Firaga 1*

Description: He jumps up in the air and shoots a blast of Dark Firagas at you. If one hits you, the rest will hit you!
How to dodge: You dodge this by just simply Guarding it back at Terranort for free damage. The damage is static depending on how many hit him, so even at LV1 you'll do big damage! Cartwheel can dodge this easily as well, but it's best to Guard it.
Notes: Just beware, he likes to do his Dark Haze dashes after getting hit by this. There's a small chance you could be hit during your ending lag of Guard. However, it's not nearly as tough as with Terra.

*Dark Haze*

Description: A dark dashing move, usually will be used more than once in a row. It is weak, but he is invincible during this move.
How to dodge: Just Cartwheel out of the way for best results. Guard works too, but is not as reliable.
Notes: If you lure him so that the move ends right near you, it will bait him into doing a regular move right after. This is bad if you Guard the Dark Haze dash because if he finishes it too close to you, his next attack will hit you.

*Ars Solum*

Description: He unleashes a major combo. If one hit gets you, the whole combo will hit you. Each hit does a good amount of damage.
How to dodge: You can Guard this, which should stun him and allow you to counter with a hit. This won't do much damage though, Cartwheeling away from it allows you to finish with a stronger attack.
Notes: If you Cartwheel from the move 3 times fast enough, you'll have enough time to put down Seeker Mines, where Terranort will attack into them and take massive damage. The timing takes practice, but it's well worth it. If you do it wrong, you'll get hit or his move will stop before he gets to it. Another great punish is to just keep Cartwheeling away, and if you're at a safe distance, hit him with Triple Firaga (or Triple Blizzaga) right before he finishes. This does almost as much as Seeker Mine.

*Quake 1*

Description: He swings his keyblade up as he summons a giant boulder type Quake move from the ground.
How to dodge: You can Cartwheel away or Guard this. Guarding is a great idea, because Terranort can follow up with another move. Cartwheel is best option.
Notes: If you do Guard + counter, it won't always work.


After you take out a certain amount of HP, he will start doing new moves and go into his next phase. Some of these moves won't happen until a little later, but I'll group them all together anyway.

*Dark Firaga 2*

Description: He jumps up, and shoots out Dark Firaga while spinning around. The Dark Firagas will home in on you, and he shoots out a ton for the last group.
How to dodge: The best method to dodge this is to Cartwheel around until he does the final wave of them, where you can then Guard them back at him for major damage. The timing is tricky, but not too hard if you watch how he moves right before the final wave of Dark Firagas.
Notes: If he is hit at all during this move, he will stop it. You can Guard the first part easily to stop him and deal damage, but it's not as much and if you mess up, you'll get hit. For the final wave, make sure you're not too close or far away. If you are too far away he will do another attack before anything hits him. Also be very careful if he does this move with his back to the wall. If he does, some or most of the Dark Firagas will hit the wall, making your Guard attempts potentially miss. Best answer to this is to just Cartwheel the whole thing if that happens.

*Dark Impulse Combo*

Description: He quickly does a multi-hit attack from Terra's Dark Impulse Command Style. The last part of the combo is Terranort going underground and homing in on you and emerging when right below you.
How to dodge: Cartwheel away, Guard is not reliable here. It happens very fast, so you'll have to pretty much Cartwheel spam before he does a move just to be safe. Cartwheel right over him for the last hit to avoid being hit.
Notes: Be careful of the arm move, it ignores Second Chance/Once More for some reason. I believe the last hit of this when he comes up from the ground cannot kill you. Before the final hit when he goes underground, you have enough time to put down a Seeker Mine and lure his last hit to emerge right on top of it for some good damage.

*Ultima Cannon*

Description: His keyblade transforms into a giant cannon and shoots out a giant energy ball, which detonates shortly after.
How to dodge: This move is weird, and I don't fully understand it. The way I dodge it is to Cartwheel as far away from him as possible as fast as possible. Even after the energy ball comes out, Cartwheel spam hard. Sometimes I still get hit, not sure why. But Cartwheel spam works fine most of the time. The hitboxes are weird, though. I don't believe Guard does anything against this move.


Description: He summons a giant meteor that crashes down into the ground hard.
How to dodge: This move is really rare. Like Ultima Cannon, Cartwheel spam is best. Try to Cartwheel as fast as you can away from the Meteor.


Description: He heals himself, for about 20% of an HP bar.
How to dodge: You don't have to dodge this and cannot stop it.
Notes: He does this mostly on the last 2-3 bars of HP. After that he stops.

That's about it for his major moves. He has a random 3 hit combo, a Guard and counter, and a random slash move, but nothing really special about them.

Random Notes (From Terranort strategy post for Terra):
- Terranort is rarely able to be stunned after Ars Solum or the 3 hit combo. Stun Guarding + Counter Hammer is still best option.
- Sometimes if he gets launched (by a Mine move most likely) he will get out of the stun and teleport next to you for most likely Ars Solum combo. Be careful of this! It may be just because you did too much damage too fast.
- For his Dark Haze, you can still get hit even with Guard if he starts it right next to you.

***FORM 2***

This should be familiar to KH1 players. Terranort is accompanied by that dark heartless. This form is actually easier than the last fight. Only at low levels can this be tough due to how time consuming it would be. The trick to this fight is to just wait for Terranort to do anything and punish.

Moves that Terranort still has: Ars Solum and Dark Haze. I don't believe he keeps anything else, though I could be wrong.

New moves I will list below and how to dodge. I don't know the proper names, so I'll be just listing the moves and not titling them.

#1. The dark heartless will disappear. When it does this, it will appear under where ever you are and attack from below. Well timed Cartwheels avoid this easily. Doing the Cartwheel about a half a second when you see it appear is how to dodge it. It will do this numerous times before stopping. Before the start up of the move, you are free to slam Terranort with an attack or two. If you act fast enough, you can hit him with a Seeker Mine (stand right in front of him) AND Triple Firaga/Blizzaga before you have to start dodging. Also, note that you can hit him with one move afterwards as well.

#2. The dark heartless will shoot out blue projectiles that go towards you. cartwheel once out of the way to dodge. If you're slick, you can get one hit in during them. It will do this 1-3 times.

#3. Later on in the fight, the dark heartless will hold two dark orbs and toss them at you one at a time. Cartwheel to avoid these easily. I believe Guard works too. If you get hit, it has the Darkness status effect, so be careful.

#4. Later on, the dark heartless will do the famous "Submit" move from KH1. Dodge this by just Cartwheeling out of the way. This move isnt' that fast, it's easy to avoid.

#5. If you try to recklessly attack, Terranort will get the dark heartless to attack you with a swipe move. Cartwheel avoids this best.

#6. At any time, Terranort may break lose from the dark heartless and attack you directly with most likely Ars Solum. This is really hard to react to, best to always be Cartwheeling when close to Terranort.

That is about all that is note worthy. If you beat the first form, this form shouldn't be too much trouble, just lots more HP to deal with.